
Chaplain services

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VA New York Harbor health care's chaplain supports your spiritual needs across all traditions and beliefs.
Page introduction
VA New York Harbor health care chaplains serve people of all faiths and denominations as well as patients and families looking for non-denominational support. They are here to listen and offer spiritual and emotional support as you struggle with tough questions and ethical decisions. 
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Spiritual and religious services

Our chaplains help patients and family members through outpatient treatment, hospital stays, and extended care. If needed, they will contact your personal clergy or spiritual care provider in the community. Our chaplains are clinical pastoral care specialists who provide religious and non-religious people with services such as:

  • Baptisms
  • Bereavement (grief and loss) care
  • Comfort and counseling
  • Communion
  • Funerals
  • Weddings

Worship services

People of all faiths and traditions are invited to attend:

  • Coming Soon!


Research shows that spiritually active patients experience or report:

  • Faster healing
  • Greater coping skills
  • Reduced pain
  • Better quality of life

Contact a chaplain

For more information, please call one of our chaplain at:

  • Brooklyn VA Medical Center: 718-836-6600, ext. 3399, 3398, 3396 or 1088
  • Manhattan VA Medical Center: 212-686-7500,ext. 7016
  • St. Albans Community Living Center: 718-526-1000, ext. 3396 

Interfaith Chapels

Brooklyn VA Medical Center
Map of Brooklyn campus
Hours:  24/7

Manhattan VA Medical Center
Map of Manhattan campus
Hours:  24/7

St. Albans Community Living Center
Map of St. Albans Community Living Center campus
Hours:  24/7