Amy L. Wettig

Job title |
Associate Director for Patient Care Services (ADPCS)
Amy began her career in healthcare, supporting patient care in critical roles such as Nursing Assistant and Licensed Practical Nurse. Upon becoming a Registered Nurse (RN), Ms. Wettig served the needs of thousands of patients in a wide-range of healthcare settings including general Medical-Surgical, Emergency Department, Step-down, and Critical Care settings.
In 2007, Amy decided to join the staff at Albany VAMC. She steadily expanded her role, serving in various nursing leadership positions including: Nurse Manager, Surgical Nurse Lead, Associate Chief Nurse for the Medical and Surgery Services, and Interim ADPCS. During this time, she continued her education, obtaining a master’s degree in Nursing with a concentration in Nursing Administration. She also holds a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Delhi and an associate degree in Nursing from Southern Vermont College.
Amy has a passion for mentoring. In 2016, she received recognition for her contribution to the preparation of baccalaureate nurses from the SUNY Delhi School of Nursing. Ms. Wettig is a member of The American Nurses Association (ANA) and The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE). She is currently preparing for the Nurse Executive Board Certification (NE-BC).