Chaplain Service
The Atlanta VA Healthcare System consists of the Atlanta VA Medical Center (hospital) and 14 Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOC) across northeast Georgia. The Atlanta VA Chaplain Service provides comprehensive religious, spiritual, and pastoral care to all persons that are commensurate with the identified needs, interests, and voluntary consent of the veteran, caregiver, and/or staff. Chaplains are equipped to address the spiritual, emotional, and relational components of whole health and wellness in various patient care settings, both inpatient and outpatient, to ensure that spiritual care is fully integrated into all aspects of Chaplain Services.
Chaplains provide bedside pastoral care, contribute to patients’ goals of care as a member of an interdisciplinary team, serve as a consultant on the hospital’s ethics committee, facilitate a variety of specialized spirituality groups, facilitate worship services, and more. In addition to 1:1 counseling, chaplains may provide couples counseling and facilitate spirituality groups in the Empower Veteran Program (EVP), Women Veterans Clinic, Domiciliary, and in the other community-based outpatient clinics (CBOC).
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is an extension of Chaplain Service, contributing to the personal growth and professional development of theological students and clergy of all faiths in a pluralistic learning context. CPE students have the opportunity to explore pastoral and personal identity, learn from and about interpersonal relationships, and examine their attitudes, values, and cultural and theological assumptions about life and ministry part time as an intern, full time as a resident, or specializing in mental health chaplaincy as a full-time 2nd year resident (fellow).
On this page
What is Clinical Pastoral Education?
About the Atlanta VA CPE
Program Dates
Certified Educator Training
Annual Notice
ACPE outcomes
Admission policy
What is Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)?
Clinical Pastoral Education is interfaith professional education for ministry. It brings theological students and ministers of all faiths (pastors, priests, rabbis, imams and others) into supervised encounters with persons in crisis. Out of an intense involvement with persons in need and feedback from peers and teachers, CPE students develop new awareness of themselves as persons and of the needs of those to whom they minister. From theological reflection on specific human situations, they gain a new understanding of ministry. Within the interdisciplinary team process of helping persons, they develop skills in interpersonal and interprofessional relationships. One unit of CPE includes a minimum of 400 hours of supervised, clinically engaged experience with “living human documents” and education.
About Atlanta VA CPE
Through our clinical experiences, the Atlanta VA is committed to providing the potential for a transformational learning opportunity as you engage with the veterans. We hope to provide a relational environment for learning that fosters human growth and dignity. The curriculum embodies the mission of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, as well as the mission and vision of Veteran’s Health Administration, “to honor America’s Veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and well-being.”
The CPE program’s philosophy is that the clinical method of learning is enriched by diversity and seeks to provide a relational learning environment that is participatory and collegial. This philosophy is congruent with the mission and core values of the VA Healthcare System, which is committed to being a workplace where diversity is honored and the whole health and well-being of employees and veterans are nurtured. As such, administrative personnel, ACPE Certified Educators, clinical mentors and preceptors, and chaplain services staff are accountable for ensuring that appropriate standards of ethical conduct and protection of the rights of students and client populations served are maintained.
Activities such as a daily huddle (gathering) of staff and trainees for clinical collaboration, staff chaplain participation as clinical faculty and clinical mentorships contribute to this learning environment. In addition, the VA commitment to training America’s future healthcare providers as a training ground for other disciplines contributes to the sense of collaborative learning in a complex organizational culture.
The Atlanta VA CPE Center does not discriminate against persons because of race, gender, gender identity or expression, age, faith group, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
The Atlanta VA offers four ACPE programs:
- Internships (Full-Time 11-Week Summer Intensive, 22-week Part-Time Extended and an academic year Part-Time Extended Program without compensation)
- One year-long Chaplain Resident Program
- One year-long Chaplain Fellowship Specialty Program (Mental Health, and soon to be Palliative Care; Must have completed Resident Program)
- Certified Educator Fellowship Program (for the ACPE Certified Education Process)
Tentative Upcoming Program Dates
Dates are tentative and subject to change.
- 2022-2023 ACPE™ CPE Chaplain Residency: May 23, 2022 – May 30, 2023
- 2022-2023 ACPE™ CPE Chaplain Fellowship: May 23, 2022 – May 30, 2023
- Summer 2022 ACPE™ CPE Intensive Internship: May 23, 2022 – August 12, 2022
- 9-Month ACPE™ CPE Extended Internship: September 12, 2022 – May 26, 2023
- 22-Week Extended Internship: August 29, 2022- January 20,2023
The Atlanta VA CPE Internship program is designed to enhance the personal, theological, and professional competency of clergy, religious, lay persons, and theology students. The curriculum is planned around the outcomes of ACPE and the learning goals of the students.
Summer Intensive Internship Unit
The summer unit is a 11 to 12-week, full-time program typically beginning the third week of May and ending around the second or third week of August. It includes full-time work week, participation in the on-call rotation, and educational seminars during the work week. It’s open to seminarians and clergy seeking continuing education, course credit and/ or ordination requirements.
Extended Internship Unit
An extended unit is typically 20 - 24 hours per week for 20 - 30 weeks, including: a set schedule of direct patient service (clinical rounds during day, night on call shifts and weekend visitation) that is flexed to meet student’s individual schedule; 5-6 hours of formal class time each week, and weekly scheduled one hour of individual supervision. This unit is open to seminarians and clergy seeking continuing education, course credit and/ or ordination requirements.
Intern Admission Requirements
The Atlanta VA Clinical Pastoral Education program follows the standards and guidelines of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. To be considered for admission, applicants must:
- Complete an ACPE Application
- An admissions screening interview is onsite
- Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university; in progress or completed graduate work in theology, divinity, or equivalent is preferred
- Verified connections/ standing with a spiritual community
Program Learning and Service Expectations
- Participate in all educational sessions including clinical/verbatim seminars, theoretical/ didactics, Interpersonal relationship groups, and individual consultation/supervision, completing all written and educational requirements for the CPE unit
- Be mentored by Chaplain Service staff and share responsibilities as assigned to provide pastoral and spiritual care to patients, family members and staff
- Participate in the on-call rotation, one or two weeks during the education unit, which means being available for call back to the hospital in case of a spiritual care need and providing an Ecumenical Sunday service in the chapel and on the psychiatric unit
- Be able to provide professional communication and presence as part of spiritual care ministry
COST: There is no tuition or application cost to the student.
ACPE™ CPE Chaplain Residency Program
The Atlanta VA Residency Program is designed to develop and enhance the resident’s professional competence and professional identity as a professional spiritual caregiver. Chaplain Residents provide emotional and spiritual support to patient, families, and staff at the Atlanta VA Medical Center. Residents are under the supervision of an ACPE Certified Educator.
The CPE Residency Program is designated for one year, and students earn four units of CPE.
Qualifications and Admission Requirements
- Education:
- A high school diploma;
- a bachelor’s degree; and
- a master’s degree (MDiv or MA in Theology, or an equivalent degree in other related disciplines such as spirituality, ministry, or religious education) from an accredited college, university or theological seminary or institute; or ordination from a recognized Jewish Seminary
- Successful completion of at least one previous unit of ACPE Certified CPE™ is required
- Licensure/certification: Evidence of good standing within a faith group such as ordination, endorsement, or commissioning
- A potential CPE Resident shall have a:
- Proven aptitude for interpersonal work, sound mental/emotional health, the ability to work and learn in a moderate amount of chaos and the ability to minister in cross-cultural, interfaith settings:
This means the capacity to consistently establish and maintain relationships, to be open to learning, change and growth and an openness to developments in faith and theology, spiritual and personal growth, outreach through compassion and justice. It also includes the capacity to endure at least moderate amounts of organization stress with a flexibility and openness to rapid change in acute care hospital-based ministry. Strong written and interpersonal skills are required as well as the abilities to actively listen and project an open, nonjudgmental attitude toward all people of diverse ethnic, social, cultural and spiritual traditions and previous experience in ministry in pastoral care and/or health care settings is preferred. Applicants must have an aptitude for computer-based learning and performance.
- Completed ACPE application with evidence of successful completion of a previous unit of ACPE Certified CPE™
- Submit signed copies of all Level I evaluations (student and educator) indicating assessment of CPE Level I outcomes
Program Learning and Service Expectations
- Actively participate in all aspects of the clinical pastoral education program
- Share clinical rotations with peers, other students, permanent staff, providing pastoral and spiritual care to patients on assigned units
- Participate in the on-call rotation, including holidays
- Complete written assignments such as verbatim reports, reflection papers, evaluations of each CPE unit and other assignments as required
- As a VA employee, you will earn a stipend $31,658 for the year, plus eligibility for enrollment into health insurance at the same rate as all VA employees, and accrue annual leave and sick leave (both 4 hours per pay period).
VA does not charge tuition or fees associated with the four units of CPE you will earn upon successful completion of the program.
Fellowship Program
Currently, we offer three fellowship positions for specialized training, all in Mental Health. Trainees from the disciplines of psychology, social work, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy have opportunities to meet regularly in joint didactics and case presentations, as well as joint patient care experiences. These advanced training opportunities give our students the experience needed to move into professional chaplaincy/spiritual care opportunities as leaders in health care and spiritual care.
Admission Requirements
- Education: A high school diploma; a bachelor’s degree; and a master’s degree (MDiv or MA in Theology, or an equivalent degree in other related disciplines such as spirituality, ministry, or religious education) from an accredited college, university or theological seminary or institute; or ordination from a recognized Jewish Seminary. Successful completion of four units of ACPE Certified CPE™ is required.
- Licensure/certification: Ordination and/or endorsement by an established denominational authority is preferred, as evidence of good standing within a faith group
- Other qualifications: A potential CPE Fellow shall have a(n):
- Proven aptitude for interpersonal work, sound mental/emotional health, the ability to work and learn in a moderate amount of chaos and the ability to minister in cross-cultural, interfaith settings:
This means the capacity to consistently establish and maintain relationships, to be open to learning, change and growth and an openness to developments in faith and theology, spiritual and personal growth, outreach through compassion and justice. It also includes the capacity to endure at least moderate amounts of organization stress with a flexibility and openness to rapid change in acute care hospital-based ministry. Strong written and interpersonal skills are required as well as the abilities to actively listen and project an open, nonjudgmental attitude toward all people of diverse ethnic, social, cultural and spiritual traditions and previous experience in ministry in pastoral care and/or health care settings is preferred. Applicants must have an aptitude for computer-based learning and performance.
- Completed ACPE application with evidence of successful completion of a previous unit of ACPE Certified CPE™
- Submit signed copies of all Level I evaluations (student and educator) indicating assessment of CPE Level I outcomes
Program learning and service expectations
- Actively participate in all aspects of the chaplain service fellowship program
- Fulfill clinical assignment responsibilities and clinical providing pastoral and spiritual care to veterans
- Rotation is one half year at the Domiciliary and SUD program and one-half year serving the 4th floor psychiatric unit
- Participate in the on-call rotation, including holidays
- Complete reading and written assignments such as verbatim reports, reflection papers, and other assignments as required
- Participate in a professional consultation in preparation for board certification
- Complete a ministry specialty/clinical research project to present to peers and staff
- Exhibit a professional demeanor in all aspects of service as a Chaplain Fellow
- As a VA employee, you will earn a stipend of $34,300 for the year, plus eligibility for enrollment into health insurance at the same rate as all VA employees, and accrue annual leave and sick leave (both 4 hours per pay period)
Certified Educator CPE Fellowship Program
Certified Educator CPE is designed for qualified persons with demonstrated pastoral, professional, and clinical competence. Certified Educator CPE students engage in a three-year residency program designed to teach them the art of pastoral supervision through education in supervisory theories by using conceptual models drawn from theology, behavioral science, and education. Students will practice under the supervision of a CPE Certified Educator. They will form their identity as educators through a focus on integrating theory and practice with their distinct, personal attributes and life history. They will also learn through peer group seminars where the emerging supervisor's understanding and practice are tested and modified. Currently there are no CEC positions available.
CPE Programs at the Atlanta VAHCS are accredited by ACPE, the Standard for Spiritual Care & Education, and therefore developed to address ACPE Objectives and Outcomes for Level I/Level II CPE.
CPE provides theological and professional education using the clinical method of learning in diverse contexts of spiritual care. ACPE accredits two types of clinical pastoral education programs: CPE Level I/Level II and Certified Educator CPE.
ACPE accredited programs provide a progressive learning experience through a two-level curriculum. Level I curriculum outcomes must be satisfactorily addressed prior to admission to Level II.
It is a goal to ensure that students are knowledgeable about the Common Qualifications and Competencies for Professional Chaplains.
CPE Level I/Level II enables pastoral formation, pastoral competence, and pastoral reflection. Some CPE centers offer pastoral specialization(s) as part of their Level II curriculum.
Outcomes define the competencies to be developed by students as a result of participating in each of the programs.
Objectives of CPE define the scope of their curricula.
The Center’s curriculum is designed to facilitate the student’s addressing the following objectives and outcomes.
Pastoral Formation
Objectives (O)
Level I Outcomes (L1)/ Level II Outcomes (L2)
O1. to develop students’ awareness of themselves as ministers and of the ways their ministry affects persons.
L1.1. articulate the central themes and core values of one’s religious/spiritual heritage and the theological understanding that informs one’s ministry.
L2.1. articulate an understanding of the pastoral role that is congruent with one’s personal and cultural values, basic assumptions and personhood
O2. to develop students’ awareness of how their attitudes, values, assumptions, strengths, and weaknesses affect their pastoral care.
L1.2. identify and discuss major life events, relationships, social location, cultural contexts, and social realities that impact personal identity as expressed in pastoral functioning.
O3. to develop students’ ability to engage and apply the support, confrontation, and clarification of the peer group for the integration of personal attributes and pastoral functioning
L1.3. initiate peer group and supervisory consultation and receive critique about one’s ministry practice.
Pastoral Competence
Objectives (O)
Level I Outcomes (L1)/ Level II Outcomes (L2)
O4. to develop students’ awareness and understanding of how persons, social conditions, systems, and structures affect their lives and the lives of others and how to address effectively these issues through their ministry
L1.4. risk offering appropriate and timely critique with peers and supervisors
L2.2. provide pastoral ministry with diverse people, taking into consideration multiple elements of cultural and ethnic differences, social conditions, systems, justice and applied clinical ethics issues without imposing one’s own perspectives
O5. to develop students’ skills in providing intensive and extensive pastoral care and counseling to persons
L1.5. recognize relational dynamics within group contexts
L2.3. demonstrate a range of pastoral skills, including listening/attending, empathic reflection, conflict resolution/ transformation, confrontation, crisis management, and appropriate use of religious/spiritual resources
O6. to develop students’ ability to make effective use of their religious/spiritual heritage, theological understanding, and knowledge of the behavioral sciences and applied clinical ethics in their pastoral care of persons and groups
L1.6. demonstrate the integration of conceptual understandings presented in the curriculum into pastoral practice.
L2.4. assess the strengths and needs of those served, grounded in theology and using an understanding of the behavioral sciences
O7. to teach students the pastoral role in professional relationships and how to work effectively as a pastoral member of a multidisciplinary team
L1.7. initiate helping relationships within and across diverse populations
L2.5. manage ministry and administrative function in terms of accountability, productivity, self-direction, and clear, accurate professional communication
O8. to develop students’ capacity to use one’s pastoral and prophetic perspectives in preaching, teaching, leadership, management, pastoral care, and pastoral counseling
L1.8. use the Clinical Methods of Learning to achieve one’s educational goals
L2.6. demonstrate competent use of self in ministry and administrative function which includes: emotional availability, cultural humility, appropriate self- disclosure, positive use of power and authority, a non-anxious and non- judgmental presence, and clear and responsible boundaries
Pastoral Reflection
Objectives (O)
Level I Outcomes (L1)/ Level II Outcomes (L2)
O9. To develop students’ understanding and ability to apply the clinical method of learning
010. to develop students’ abilities to use both individual and group supervision for personal and professional growth, including the capacity to evaluate one’s ministry
L1.9 formulate clear and specific goals for continuing pastoral formation with reference to one’s strengths and weaknesses as identified through self-reflection, supervision, and feedback
L2.7 establish collaboration and dialogue with peers, authorities, and other professionals
L2.8 demonstrate self-supervision through realistic self-evaluation of pastoral functioning
L2.9 by the end of Level II, students will be able to demonstrate awareness of Common Qualifications and Competencies for Professional Chaplains
A Level II Specialty Curriculum is designed to facilitate the students’ achievement of the following additional objectives:
- To afford students opportunities to become familiar with and apply relevant theories and methodologies to their ministry specialty
- To provide students opportunities to formulate and apply their philosophy and methodology for the ministry specialty
- To provide students opportunities to demonstrate pastoral competence in the practice of the specialty
Admissions Policy
An admission policy that clearly states the ACPE accredited center does not discriminate against persons because of race, gender, age, faith group, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
The Atlanta VA CPE program has program specific admission criteria and protocols in compliance with current ACPE Standards in the 2020 ACPE Accreditation Manual. The program does not discriminate against any qualified individual in an admissions decision for reasons of race, color, national origin, gender, age, physical disability, sexual orientation, or faith group.
All complete applications will be reviewed by the Faculty in order to conduct an evaluation of the applicant's qualifications. Only qualified applicants will be invited to complete an admissions interview as part of the application process.
Acceptance criteria
Students are chosen from a pool of applicants to participate in the CPE program. Faculty carefully reviews the application materials, will conduct an interview with some candidates and will check references before making final decisions to offer acceptance into the program.
Successful applicants are chosen to participate in the CPE program because they demonstrate the ability to sustain the physical, emotional and intellectual health necessary to deliver effective spiritual care within a complex and demanding healthcare context. Successful students have a clear understanding of adult learning and the capacity to establish and maintain pastoral relationships of both quality and depth. The ideal student is open to learning, change and growth and has an ability to be reflective, honest and forthright. Each must have the capacity to function professionally within situations of intensity, uncertainly, both as an individual and as a team member.
The faculty is examining an applicant based on the following criteria.
- The capacity to function with sensitivity and respect with people of different faiths and cultural heritages.
- An openness to learning and sufficient internal motivation to address and achieve ACPE educational outcomes
- Suitable competence in ethical, theological, sociological, religious, personal and professional reflection, so as to provide the hospital with competent care and the learning paradigm with informed dialogue.
- Ability to use one’s own spirituality, faith, and religion to provide respectful spiritual care.
- Ample honesty to identify and use personal, pastoral and professional strengths and limitations for growth and development in education and ministry.
- Emotional maturity and stability
- Must be US citizens at the start of their respective programs due to VA policy.
- Awareness and balance in personal authority and respect for authority of others
- Ability to fluently speak, write, and read English.
- Ability to function with an appropriate balance of autonomy and interdependence, displaying appropriate professional boundaries.
- Educational groups are formed to achieve a diverse membership.
- Applicants must have a willingness to learn and an openness to communicate and listen effectively with others who have different values.
- Physical requirements are to be mobile within the hospital and to have arrangements for transportation.
- Applicants must have an ability to tolerate up to four hours without smoking.
- Completion of their M.Div. degree before the start of the residency.
Application Deadlines and Timelines
The CPE program receives applications at any time and processes them on the following timeline.
The CPE program’s Faculty will review an application within 30 days of the application file being verified as complete and will then decide which applicants to invite for an interview.
Submission of an application does not guarantee an interview. An interview does not guarantee acceptance into CPE programs.
Applications are complete when:
The CPE program application is filled out and submitted:
- all handwriting is legible
- is single sided
- is signed
- all application questions are completely answered
- Copies of all previous CPE evaluations (self and Educator)
Send Applications to:
Atlanta Veterans Administration Health Care System (AVAHCS), Attn: Chaplain Service (125), 1670 Clairmont Road, Decatur, Georgia 30033 or email to
Gaither, Randolph L.
If a decision has been made not to accept an applicant, the applicant is informed, and all application materials are destroyed.
The applicants need to understand that neither the submission of an application, nor any subsequent invitation for an interview by a representative of the CPE program constitutes an offer of enrollment.
Formal Admission
Formal admission is dependent upon the applicants submitting all required government paperwork in a timely manner, passing all drug and background screens.
The residency program is a 12-month stipend CPE program offering 4 units of CPE during the year. Residents will function essentially as full-time training staff chaplains and consequently must meet many of the same requirements for admission to the program as staff chaplains seeking employment.
This policy notwithstanding, all students accepted into this center's CPE programs shall be able, with reasonable accommodation, to physically perform the duties contained in their respective job descriptions.
At all levels, the student needs to sustain physical and emotional health to deliver pastoral/spiritual care. The student must demonstrate the capacity to consistently establish and maintain relationships at significant levels and be open to learning, change, and growth.
The student must demonstrate a capacity to endure at least moderate amounts of chaos which is a normal part of hospital culture.
Minimum admission requirements for Intern Program (WOC-without compensation)
- Completed a college degree from an accredited college/university
- Some type of formal theological training
- Good standing with a faith group and a sense of calling in ministry
- US Citizenship
Minimum admission requirements for Ministers and Pastors Program (without compensation)
- Minimum high school diploma or equivalent
- Some ministry/pastorate experience
- A sense of calling in ministry
- US Citizenship
Minimum admission for Resident Program Level I or II (with compensation)
- Completed one unit of Level 1 CPE from an ACPE accredited center
- Completed M.Div. or an equivalent degree
- Ordination
- US Citizenship
The Atlanta VA has an advanced residency/fellowship that focuses on mental health.
Minimum admission for Advanced Resident Level II (with compensation)
- M.Div. or an equivalent degree
- Ordination and Endorsement from a ecclesiastical body
- CPE Residency from an ACPE accredited site
- US citizenship
Application Process Submissions:
- Complete the ACPE Face Sheet
- Self and final evaluations from previous units of CPE
- Resume
- History – a brief personal history noting major themes that influence your personal and professional identity.
- Spiritual History – A spiritual history that includes important spiritual/theological events/history/beliefs that influence your decision to apply for this educational experience.
For more information or any questions about specific CPE programs at the Atlanta VA Healthcare System, please contact Chaplain Service at 404.321.6111 ext. 206870 or email Gaither, Randolph L.