Title Operating status | VA West Texas health care VAMC system VA West Texas health care System-wide alerts Coronavirus Facility operating statuses George H. O'Brien, Jr., Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Abilene VA Clinic Fort Stockton VA Clinic Hobbs VA Clinic Colonel Charles and JoAnne Powell VA Clinic Wilson and Young Medal of Honor VA Clinic Patient resources Patient resources Emergency: 911 Veterans Crisis Line: 988, select 1 24-hour nurse: 432-263-7361, ext. 5678 or 800-472-1365, ext. 5678 Change your appointment: Contact your PACT clerk or nurse Media inquiries: 432-264-4824 National Veterans Helpline: 800-507-4571 Patient locator: 432-263-7361 or 800-472-1365 Pharmacy refill: 432-263-7361, ext. 7954 or 800-472-1365, ext. 7954 Staff locator: 432-263-7361 or 800-472-1365 Telephone care: 432-263-7361, ext. 5678 or 800-472-1365, ext. 5678