
Surgical oncology at VA Puget Sound health care

VHA health service name and description
Patient friendly name
Cancer surgery

If your cancer requires surgery, the surgical oncology service works with your health care team to give expert diagnosis and treatment.

Type of care
Specialty care
Health Service API ID
This is a required Vet Center service
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VAMC system description

Our surgical oncologists are specially trained to treat many different cancers, like liver, pancreatic, gastric (stomach), colon (intestinal), and rectal cancers. They can:

  • Diagnose your cancer after taking a small tissue sample (biopsy) 
  • Stage your cancer by determining the tumor size and if it has spread (metastasized) to other parts of your body
  • Treat your cancer by removing and reducing tumors or other diseased tissues
  • Perform palliative surgery to help control your pain and manage side effects from other treatments, like chemotherapy or radiation therapy
Facility descriptions

Surgical oncology - Seattle VA Medical Center

VHA health service name and description
Patient friendly name
Cancer surgery

If your cancer requires surgery, the surgical oncology service works with your health care team to give expert diagnosis and treatment.

Type of care
Specialty care
Health Service API ID
This is a required Vet Center service
Show for VAMC Facilities
VAMC system description of service

Our surgical oncologists are specially trained to treat many different cancers, like liver, pancreatic, gastric (stomach), colon (intestinal), and rectal cancers. They can:

  • Diagnose your cancer after taking a small tissue sample (biopsy) 
  • Stage your cancer by determining the tumor size and if it has spread (metastasized) to other parts of your body
  • Treat your cancer by removing and reducing tumors or other diseased tissues
  • Perform palliative surgery to help control your pain and manage side effects from other treatments, like chemotherapy or radiation therapy
Appointment intro text
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Appointment lead-in text
Surgical services are referred from your primary care provider. You will be contacted by medical center staff to schedule surgery related appointments.
Is a referral required?
Are walkins accepted?
Is online scheduling available for this service?
Service location
Street address
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United States

Provide specific hours for this service
Monday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Contact info
Use the general facility phone number
Yes, display the general facility phone number