
Veterans Experience Action Center

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Join us virtually to get the benefits and services you've earned!

Primary call to action
Check Back to Register for Pacific VEAC
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Why this matters
Please check back to register for the Pacific VEAC events for personalized 1-on-1 help on VA benefits and services; state and community services; and much more! At the time of your appointment, a Veteran Service Officer will call you to kick off your appointment. We look forward to connecting with you!
Secondary call to action
Check Back to Register for Pacific VEAC
What can you do

Join Us!

Please check back to register for the Pacific VEAC events for personalized 1-on-1 help on VA benefits and services; state and community services; and much more! At the time of your appointment, a Veteran Service Officer will call you to kick off your appointment.
VA Welcome Kit Image

How can I attend an event?

Throughout the year,  VA and our partners will host VEACs and VetXLs across the country. Both events are supported by state specific partners to ensure local resources are available. Please only register for the VEAC and VetXL in your state. We can't serve out of state Veterans and their loved ones in these events. This page will be updated with new VEAC and VetXL locations throughout the year. Please check back next month! 

Where is the next VEAC?

Future VEACs and VetXLs are planned for Colorado (November/December). We will update this page as more events are scheduled. 

I have a question for your team. How can I contact you?

Have a question? Please send us an email at: 


How do the VEACs and VetXLs Work?

Veterans Experience Action Center (VEAC) events are a collaborative effort which include representation from Veterans Health Administration, Veterans Benefits Administration, National Cemetery Administration, Board of Veterans’ Appeals, state departments of Veterans affairs and community partners working together to offer one-on-one personalized assistance for: VA benefits, VA health care, crisis resources, memorial affairs, community services and peer to peer connection. Veterans and their family members, service members, caregivers and survivors select their preferred date and time and then make an appointment online to connect to the VEAC. A local Veteran Service Officer initiates the appointment by calling the registrant. The appointment is executed over the phone in a virtual environment. Please expect to be transferred to VA experts and community partners as we work to address and meet your needs. Veterans who attend these events often leave enrolled in VA and other resources. Over 94% recommend these events to other Veterans. 

Veterans Experience Live (VetXL) events are virtual Q&A chats on RallyPoint with the intent for VA and Community experts to address questions and resolve challenges from the Veteran community on resources, benefits, information, and referrals. These events are intended to engage with the community by typed chat and augment the VEAC effort by serving those who may not need the more robust services of the VEAC.

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