
Hematology/oncology at VA Durham health care

VHA health service name and description
Patient friendly name
Blood disorders and medical oncology

If you have a diagnosis of anemia, lymphoma, leukemia or another blood cancer or disorder, we support you with expert care and treatment.

Type of care
Specialty care
Health Service API ID
This is a required Vet Center service
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VAMC system description

Welcome to the Hematology/Oncology Clinic

1C Clinic, First Floor

Durham VA Health Care System

Durham VA Health Care System

Clinic 1C,   Mail Code 111G 

Durham, NC  27705

Telephone: 919-286-6944

Fax:  919-286-6896

Hematology/Oncology Services and Treatment

  • Hematology & Medical Oncology Care
  • Chemotherapy/Biotherapy Infusions
  • Clinical Trials
  • Precision Oncology—Molecular Testing
  • Telehealth & Video Appointments 
  • Multidisciplinary Team Approach
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Palliative Care
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Social Work

 Our Hematology and Medical Oncology Team uses a multidisciplinary approach to provide specialty care and treatment for Veterans with problems related to blood disorders and cancer. 

Clinic Contact:

Monday - Friday (7:30a - 4:30p): 

Call 1-888-878-6890  ext 17-6944 or (919) 286-0411 ext 17-6944

For URGENT issues after 4:30pm Monday-Friday, weekends, and holidays:

Call 919-286-0411 and ask for the Hematology/Oncology Fellow on-call.


Clinic Appointments

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7:30a-4:30p     

Please arrive 30-45 minutes early for your appointment.  This will allow time for parking and lab studies.

If labs are ordered, please report to the lab drawing station on the 1st floor prior to checking in for your appointment in 1C. Ideally labs are drawn and results are available prior to seeing your provider.

Bring all medications in their original bottles with you to your appointment.

Upon arrival check in at the kiosk or with the receptionist.

Bring a list of questions you want to ask your nurse or provider.

Make every effort to keep all scheduled appointments. 

Notify the clinic as soon as possible to cancel and reschedule any appointment you are unable to keep.

Secure Messaging

My HealtheVet’s Secure Messaging is a secure, web-based message service that improves the connection and communication between you and your VA health care team.

With Secure Messaging you are able to:

  • Communicate non-urgent, non-emergency health care issues or concerns with your participating health care team
  • Request test results and health information
  • Request medical appointments

All personal health information is secure, protected, and private.

Your VA health care team will respond to your Secure Message(s) within 3 business days.

Clinical Trials

Your cancer and blood disease provider wants to offer you a full range of options for your care. Sometimes clinical research trials are included in these options.  Clinical trials aim to find new and better treatments for cancers and blood disorders, which could help you and future patients.  Clinical trials might be a good option for you to consider, in addition to or instead of standard treatment.

Disease groups for which we have clinical trials include lung cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, skin cancer, and more! 

To learn more about what clinical trials are, and to learn about specific clinical trial options: 


Helpful Resources:

American Cancer Society (ACS) 


Cancer Information Service 
