Title Volunteer or donate Meta Meta description You can make a difference when you volunteer at or donate to the VA Tomah Healthcare System. Content Page introduction VA Tomah Healthcare System depends on the goodwill of our supporters. You can make a difference when you help us serve our Veterans. Generate a table of contents from major headings Include table of contents Main content Become a volunteer Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer at the Tomah VA Medical Center. As a VA volunteer, you not only help the Veterans and staff at the Tomah VA, but you’ll enjoy many benefits yourself: Making a difference – no matter what your assignment, you’ll be making a difference in the lives of others. Service/Honor – our Veterans bravely served our country; now you can “Serve those who served.” Health benefits for YOU – research shows that volunteering is actually good for your health! It keeps you active, intellectually stimulated and involved! Recognition – the VA has a well-established system of recognizing our valued volunteers! To volunteer, please call Voluntary Services at 608-372-1727 or email VHATOMVoluntaryService@va.gov. Thank you! Become a Volunteer: Volunteer at Facility | Veteran Affairs Donate: Pay.gov - VA Great Lakes Health Care System: VISN12 Donation Form Tomah VA Needs List (PDF)