Title Psychiatric Pharmacy Residency (PGY2) Meta Meta description psychiatric pharmacy residency, residency, VA Loma Linda Content Page introduction The VA Loma Linda Healthcare System offers two (2) positions annually and received full accreditation by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). Generate a table of contents from major headings No table contents Main content PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Residency Pamphlet 2022-2023 (PDF) VA Loma Linda Pharmacy Residency Brochure 2022-2023 (PDF) PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Residency Manual 2022-2023 (PDF) Declaration of Federal Employment OF-306 Application 10-2850d Deadline: December 31st, 2022 A facility tour is available upon request; however, one will be provided if invited for an onsite interview. Please contact our residents for arrangements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our residency director, residency coordinator and residents listed below: PGY2 Residency Director: Dr. Risa Ishino PGY2 Residency Coordinator: Dr. Bosun Chung PGY2 Psychiatric Resident: Dr. Ashley Nepomuceno We look forward to reviewing your application!