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Can I get free health care and prescriptions as a Veteran?
You can get free VA health care for any illness or injury that we determine is related to your military service. We refer to these illnesses and injuries as “service-connected” conditions.
We also provide these other services for free:
- Readjustment counseling and related mental health services
- Care for issues related to military sexual trauma (MST)
- A registry health exam to determine if you’re at risk of health problems linked to your military service
You may qualify for other free VA health care services depending on these factors:
- Your disability rating
- Your income
- Other special eligibility factors
You may need to pay a fixed amount for some types of care, tests, and prescription medicines for conditions that aren’t related to your service. This is your copayment.
Need more help?
Select contacts
Benefit Hub contacts
VA health care
- Health benefits hotline: 877-222-VETS (8387)
- My HealtheVet help desk: 877-327-0022
- eBenefits technical support: 800-983-0937
- MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411
- If you have hearing loss, call TTY: 711.
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