
The Research Advisory Committee On Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses: Subcommittee Veteran Engagement Session

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Presented by Department of Veterans Affairs
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Are you a 1990-91 Gulf War Veteran with questions or concerns about Gulf War Illness? The Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses (RACGWVI) subcommittee will host two virtual Veteran Engagement Sessions (VES) on April 6 and 7.

Family members and caregivers are also welcome.

The focus of this listening session is to ask for Gulf War Veterans (GWV) input on four questions: What health issues are of greatest concern to GWV? How can research improve the treatments available to GWV? What health issue(s) could the VA address to improve GWV quality of life? What would you like the VA Secretary to know about the health of GWV?

To address the committee, please send your name, preferred meeting date, and the topic(s) you would like to address to varacgwvi@va.gov. Questions or comments from those who do not respond in advance will be taken as time allows.

April 6, 4 to 7 p.m. ET:

Join online: https://veteransaffairs.webex.com/veteransaffairs/j.php?MTID=m7d92c8b3e0eca6ada699344ede4a2862

Password: GWVets1991!

Join by phone: 1-833-558-0712 (Toll-free) Access code is 2762 977 6702

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