VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: VA Central IRB Quality Assurance Process in IRBNet
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Title: VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: VA Central IRB Quality Assurance Process in IRBNet
Date: Tuesday, Feb 28 2023
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern
Join the February feature of the VAIRRS monthly webinar series to learn more about the VA Central IRB's quality assurance process, presented by CIRB Administrator, Jessica Kroll, MA, CIP.
The purpose of VAIRRS Monthly Webinar series is to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation and Research Review System (VAIRRS).
Lead Presenter: Jessica Kroll, MA, CIP
Webinar registration: weblink/register/r5db77d9ce87c1c461fb6de3729bfa4dc
Software Requirements: We suggest you log on using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Recording: Most ORPPE webinar are recorded.
Recordings, slides, and handouts will typically be posted to the ORPP&E Webinar Archive ( within 72 hours of the live webinar event.
Unless otherwise noted
presentations will be recorded.
Recorded Webinars
A searchable list of
past webinars is located here.
After selecting a webinar, the presentation, audio
recording, additional handouts, and the transcript is
available for download.