If you ride a motorcycle, we need you!
VA Bedford Healthcare System is recruiting motorcyclists, motorcycle riders, and bikers to join the motorcycle escort following The Wall That Heals to Bedford, Massachusetts, on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022.
This is a motorcycle-only escort; four-wheeled vehicles are not permitted.
The ride will begin at VFW Post 3291 in Pepperell and end on the grounds of the Edith Nourse Rogers Veterans’ Memorial Hospital in Bedford. The escort will contain hundreds of Veteran and civilian riders and follow a scenic route through Pepperell, Groton, Littleton, Westford, Carlisle, ending at ENRM Veterans’ Hospital in Bedford.
Staging: 9:30 a.m., Pepperell VFW parking lot at 55 Leighton St, Pepperell
Safety brief: 10:30 a.m.
Kickstands up: 11 a.m.
Arrival at VA Bedford: about 12 p.m.
For more information, contact:
For a full schedule of events during The Wall That Heals exhibit at VA Bedford, volunteerism, group tours and reservations, the In Memory program, and FAQs, visit our page at https://www.va.gov/bedford-health-care/programs/the-wall-that-heals/.