
VA Augusta launches opioid safety and naloxone education campaign

Release date

Augusta, SC
United States

In response to the ongoing opioid crisis in America, VA Augusta Healthcare System pharmacists are launching an education campaign about the risk of opioid overdose and the use of naloxone to prevent overdose fatalities.
Full text of the Press Release

“Naloxone is an effective tool in keeping Veterans safe should they experience an overdose, and it’s free to all Veterans.,” said Vanessa Croley, a Registered Pharmacist (RPh) who coordinates VA Augusta’s Pain Management, Opioid Safety, and Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PMOP). “Raising awareness about the risks of opioid overdose – and how to best respond – can save Veteran lives. We encourage all our patients and their caregivers to get smart on these issues.”

Veterans seeking naloxone (Narcan) can make a request through their VA provider or contact the VA Augusta Pharmacy Call Center at 706-733-0188, ext. 27729. During the call, a pharmacy tech can put in a request to have the prescription processed through a VA pharmacist or provider.

On Wednesday, Aug. 31, which is also International Overdose Awareness Day, VA Augusta pharmacists will be at the entrance areas of both the uptown campus (1 Freedom Way) and downtown campus (950 15th Street) in Augusta to demonstrate how to use the naloxone nasal spray, offer educational materials on opioid overdose, and answer questions Veterans and their families might have.

VA Augusta would also like to announce that the Pain Management Clinic has moved to the first floor of the downtown campus (950 15th Street in Augusta), next to the Same-Day Clinic near the main entrance. The clinic is open 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Media seeking more information or an interview with Vanessa Croley, RPh, can contact Will Martin, Chief of Public Affairs, at William.Martin6@va.gov.