Title Suicide Prevention and Keeping Your Environment Secure Training Meta Teaser description September is Suicide Prevention Month and Substance Recovery Month. Content Date and time Wed, Sep 14 2022, 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT (1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT) Event image sept suicide prevention month.png Shown in media library Section VA Madison health care Full event description Join us on Sept 14 for a presentation on suicide prevention and how you can keep your environment secure from noon to 1pm in the auditorium of the Madison VA Hospital as part of Suicide Prevention Month and Substance Recovery Month. Limited to 50 participants. Additionally, purple lights are on display at Madison VA Hospital and Rockford Clinic location throughout September to honor those on a recovery journey for mental health and substance use disorders and to provide recognition for the importance of providing care for these health conditions. You can honor Veterans who are or have struggled with suicide and substance use disorders including those who have perished from these conditions by reflecting at our paper crane display inside the hospital. The crane symbolizes hope and healing during challenging times. Location-related Building, floor, or room Auditorium Address United States Location type At a VA facility Facility location William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans' Hospital Registration related Registration is required for this event No Cost Free Curation Featured Off Include registration information Off