In mid-October, VA Augusta Health Care System is anticipating the arrival of a state-of-the-art Hologic Selenia Dimension 3D Mammography Unit.
“With the installment of our new Mammography suite, we hope to increase diagnostic screenings to improve timely care,” said Kay Ragland, a U.S. Navy Veteran and Mammography Team Manager at our Uptown Division. “Creating a seamless breast-imaging experience will improve patient outcomes and continuity of care, which will result in more lives saved.”
A recent VA article states women Veterans are one of the fastest-growing Veteran groups in America. Now over two million strong, women Veterans continue to have distinct experiences during and after service. To meet the demands of this growing population, VA Augusta continues to adapt.
“Veterans are increasingly choosing VA health care because we know them, and we care about them in a way that most others would not,” said Ragland, whose career spans more than 25 years in the field of mammography. There have been many advances in the detection of breast cancer, which she says continues to give her hope.
October Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. VA staff will bring awareness to breast cancer throughout the month with information tables and Veteran walk-in mammographs at our Uptown campus located at 1 Freedom Way in Augusta, Georgia.
Event: “Breast Cancer Rodeo” Walk-in Mammograms, Oct. 17-18, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m., 1 Freedom Way in Augusta, Georgia.
If you are due for a screening mammogram, join us on Oct. 17-18, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. During these hours, Veterans who are registered for care within the VA Augusta Health Care System may take care of their annual screening mammogram without making an appointment. Confirm you are due for a screening mammogram by calling 706-733-0188 ext. 26533 or 26207.