
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Patient Letter FAQs

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As part of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) commitment to transparency and patient safety, we are proactively contacting Veterans to make sure their care was not impacted by challenges with our new electronic health record system. This includes Veterans receiving care at our main facility in Columbus, our VA Clinics in Grove City, Newark, Marion and Zanesville, and our behavioral health clinic on Airport Drive.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where do I get more information about what has happened, and how do I know if it has impacted me? What do I do if I feel my care has been delayed?

During the next few weeks, we will be sending letters to Veterans whose care may have been potentially impacted by the new electronic health record. The purpose of the letter is to provide information about the health record transition and to make sure Veterans with concerns have a way to contact a VA representative.

  • If you received this letter and you do not have any concerns, then there is no need to respond.
  • If you received this letter and you have concerns related to the processing of medical orders for labs, imaging, medications, medication renewals, prosthetics, medical supplies, pathology results, future follow-up appointments, or consultations, we ask that you contact us through the avenues noted in the letter you receive or go to https://ask.va.gov/. When you contact us, we’ll start the process of reviewing your records and confirm if everything is up to date.
I don’t have a concern. Do I need to do anything?

If you do not have any concerns, then there is no need to respond. We do ask you to remain vigilant to ensure your prescribed medications are refilled, your appointments and referrals get scheduled, your recommended tests are completed, and that you are notified of the results of all tests.

Do I need to schedule an appointment with my provider?

No. Please contact us through the avenues noted in the letter you receive or via https://ask.va.gov/ if you have concerns. We will review your record and reach out to you if further information is needed.

How can I partner with my VA health care team?

We recommend you keep an updated medication list, appointment list, referral list, and recommended testing list, and bring pill bottles to your appointments. Your medication list can be provided by a provider when you are seen at an appointment, or a list can be mailed to you with your permission. If you see providers outside VA, it is a good practice to bring copies of medications prescribed, appointment summaries, lab, imaging, and pathology results to your VA provider.

How can I get a list of my current medications to make sure they are up to date?

You can view a list of medications in the MyVAHealth Patient Portal under the pharmacy tab,  https://patientportal.myhealth.va.gov/.  Compare the list with the medication bottles you have at home and please reach out if you have questions or find discrepancies.

How can I get a list of my upcoming appointments?

You can access upcoming appointments via the MyVAHealth Patient Portal at https://patientportal.myhealth.va.gov/.

How can I make sure I have received all my prior test results (lab, imaging, etc.)?

This information is available in the MyVAHealth Patient Portal. Lab results do not populate immediately and can take some time to display. If you do not have access to a test result, contact your provider via the MyVAHealth Patient Portal (https://patientportal.myhealth.va.gov/), or reach out through AskVA (https://ask.va.gov/).

Is the information on my portal accurate? What do I do if I notice inaccuracies?

If you notice inaccuracies in the MyVAHealth Patient Portal, please reach out through AskVA (https://ask.va.gov/) so that we can review your records.