
VA Medication Take Back Day

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The drug overdose epidemic in the United States is a clear and present public health, public safety, and national security threat.  

On July 29, 2021, the President signed the Dispose Unused Medications and Prescription (DUMP) Opioids Act. The DUMP Act requires VA to establish designated time periods when Veterans and non-Veterans can dispose of opioids and other controlled substance medications at  VA facilities with an onsite pharmacy and/or a physical location dedicated for law enforcement purposes..

Join the Erie VA and the Drug Enforcement Administration on Saturday, October 29  for VA Medication Take Back Day from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. 

Participants will enter the Erie VA campus via the East 38th Street, travel to the first floor of the parking garage, and follow the traffic pattern to exit the garage and campus. 

All individuals are welcome to safely dispose of expired prescription or over-the-counter medication, including controlled substance prescription medications.

Registration is not required. Those who can’t participate in VA Medication Take Back Day can use the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Public Disposal Locations Search Tool to locate year-round authorized collection locations.

VA is committed to supporting the safe disposal of unused medications for our Veterans and we look forward to non-Veteran participation. 

Building, floor, or room
Erie VA Parking Garage | Enter on East 38th Street

United States

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At a VA facility
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