Our Veterans got to experience festivities this time of year.
For the 2nd year in a row, our Veterans got a Holiday Parade, one to make memories, hopefully, all decade.
Put on by the Medical Center to celebrate the festivities of the season. "It was started during the Pandemic," said Todd Greenman.
"No events were happening for Veterans, and it made everyone sad". He hoped the Pandemic would be over, like a seasonal fad.
So, a thought was made in 2021, to bring Holiday cheer and seasonal fun!
Pam Dickinson came up with the idea, that we bring it to them. We make our Veterans happy, and we all win!
Different sections and services, alongside community partners, participated in the parade. It started at 6, and until after 8, they stayed!
Those that volunteered were fed hot dogs and chips. Lots of hot cocoa was drunk, as the air was brisk!
"Are you ready to walk?" I asked Dr. Shah "Let's get going!", he said without a flaw.
Starting in the main employee parking lot, participants drove and marched. Drinking plenty of water, nobody was parched.
There was an Army, an Air Force, and even some floats. Heather Stanley-Sutton was dressed as a banana, healthy, of course!
There was fire lit from the baskets of balloons in the sky. As they went ablaze, you heard Jodi Barnes saying, "Oh my!"
You saw classic cars, a snowman, and even some dogs! The parade was hopping, just like frogs!
Passing by CLC and 22, a circle was made, a time or two!
Making their way around, over to 82 and 39, Public Safety led the way, keeping them on time.
They looped, and they walked, all around campus. Along came Santa Claus, and no Krampus.
There was loads of fun and lots of laughs. Thank you to all who participated, especially our staff
Now we invite you to open our pictures below, while hopefully enjoying some Holiday cookie dough!