Salisbury VAMC launches On-Site Custom Prosthetics/Orthotics Service
Salisbury, NC
United States
Veterans have been coming to the VA for a long time for their prosthetics. The difference now is that the staff can make Custom-made Lower Extremity Prosthetics, part of the New Prosthetic Orthotic Service on-site at the medical center in a fraction of the time it takes to have an order delivered.
The new service means that amputee Veterans won’t have to wait on Outside Vendor order processing times, which are frequently back-logged. They can be serviced in one location, one they’re familiar with. and they can expect to walk using their new devices in considerably less time.
Veteran James Thomas received his new below the knee prosthetic leg after about three weeks, the time it took to cast and create the device, according to Charles S. “Steve” Doerr, Salisbury VA Supervisory Prosthetist & Orthotic Laboratory Chief.
The Salisbury team has been working with colleagues from other VA facilities to procure the necessary equipment and perfect the service, which supports VA’s mission to provide the best care possible for our nation’s Veterans.
For more information contact Steve Doerr in the medical center at (704)638-9000, ext. 16347.