VRT training addresses how to peacefully resolve incidents involving Veterans in crisis and get them connected to support services. For two days, local New Jersey law enforcement learned how their military background and police training can help deescalate intense situations and prevent violence.
“Our team provides local officers with the skills and resources to respond to incidents involving Veterans outside of the walls of VA and get them engaged in treatment with VA,” said Paul Woodland, chief of police at Wilmington VA. “This helps address the root causes Veterans are having that leads to justice system involvement.”
VRT training emphasizes on connecting Veterans with local resources designed to improve their health and well-being. Crisis intervention, housing, counseling support and health care are some of the most common resources officers get Veterans connected with.
“Our VA police are a huge partner and champion for VRT,” said Cecilia Gonzales, a social work supervisor at Wilmington VA. “Many of our VRT referrals have saved lives and facilitated positive changes in Veteran’s lives.”
Although VRT is new to New Jersey, it was implemented in Delaware in 2016. Wilmington VA partnered with police agencies to help strengthen the relationship between key county representatives and VA staff. Since then, Delaware’s VRT program has trained more than 100 law enforcement officers from over 30 departments throughout the state.
With the training, Woodland hopes the law enforcement officers in New Jersey will start their own programs.
“Collaboration across community partners can be valuable in that moment when Veterans need help,” he said.
If you need to connect a Veteran in crisis with a caring, qualified Veteran Crisis Line responder any time of day, call the Veterans Crisis Line at 988 and press 1.
To learn more about the Veterans Response Team contact VA Police Chief Paul Woodland at 302-994-2511, x4110 or Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist Cecilia Gonzales, 302-824-9322.