
Kirby Ostler

Kirby Ostler
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Job title
Assistant Director
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Kirby Ostler is Assistant Director at VA Montana Healthcare System.
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Mr. Kirby Ostler was appointed as the permanent assistant director of Montana VA Health Care System (MTVAHCS) on April 30, 2017 and is permanently stationed at the Billings VA Health Care Center (HCC). As a member of the Executive Leadership Team, Mr. Ostler has responsibility for direct oversight as the only executive onsite at Billings, as well as having other responsibilities across the health care system. Mr. Ostler had served as the Human Resources Officer at the Sheridan VAHCS since Jan. 2015. Prior to that, he was a Human Resources Supervisor and worked in other areas of Human Resources such as Employee Relations, Labor Relations and Staffing. He began his VA career with the SVAHCS in November 2009 and has held progressively more complex roles during his career. Mr. Ostler proudly served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1986 to 1992 as a platoon sergeant, working in the field of radio and satellite communications throughout the world. His permanent duty stations included Okinawa, Japan and Camp Pendleton, CA. His strong experience in administrative roles, efficient use of resources, and aggressive performance improvements are key assets to organizational success. Mr. Ostler’s priorities include providing high quality patient care, excellent customer service, employee engagement and strengthening relationships with community partners and Veteran Service Organizations.

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