Title History Meta Meta description Explore the rich heritage of the VA Sierra Nevada Healthcare System. Content Page introduction Explore the rich heritage of the VA Sierra Nevada Healthcare System. Generate a table of contents from major headings No table contents Main content Ioannis A. Lougaris VA Medical Center Ioannis Lougaris was very passionate in his drive to a VA hospital built in Reno, Nevada. Many Veterans, although injured and feeling the long term effects of war had no care in the immediate region. Due to the economic state for many of these Veterans there only option was to travel to San Francisco to receive care. This long trip in the late 1920's and early 1930's was tremendously difficult, especially for anyone in need of hospital care. With the help of senators and congressmen Lougaris was able to succeed. General Frank D. Hines, then Director of the Veterans Administration, had heard their pleas and agrees to build a small hospital in Reno. Ground broke in 1937 at the hands of Lougaris for a 3-story, 17,905 square foot building that would accommodate 24 patients. By May 21, 1939 the Veterans Hospital opened to patients with two physicians, four nurses and 20 part-time staff. Over the following decades many additions would be added to include a six-story building, a new ward that held 36 beds as well as a Mental Health Clinic and Specialty Clinic.