
Internships and fellowships

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VA Hudson Valley offers internships and fellowships in a variety of areas. Learn more about our academic affiliations and other heath training programs.
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VA Hudson Valley health care provides training programs for students at the college, university, and postgraduate levels. Explore our training programs to find out about how we can help you start your career as a health care professional. The information on this web page is provided for potential applicants of the various residency, fellowship or training programs at the Veterans Affairs Hudson Valley Health Care System. If you are interested in any of these programs or have questions, please contact the appropriate staff members listed below.
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Psychology Internship Program

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major challenge for all of us in our personal and professional lives. We faced many uncertainties during the past year but we also learned a lot.  Some of these lessons included how to provide clinical training with flexibility and fluidity during a pandemic.  Our training committee worked diligently to restructure the training as needed, to accommodate to various changes secondary to CDC guidance.  Although we have had to modify training experiences in response to this situation, our clinical supervision, training opportunities and commitment to our psychology trainees has not waivered.  We have continued to provide valuable learning and clinical opportunities along with continuing clinical supervision for our trainees,  all while providing top-notch clinical services to our nation’s Veterans.

Our Internship program strives to be open and transparent with our trainees.  As of now, most of our clinical work is being done in person while we continue, in some cases, to also provide telehealth. Currently,  didactics, supervisions, case presentations, and testing cases are being held in person while following CDC guidance and internal infection control guidance.  We continue to operate with concern for the safety of our trainees,  ourselves and the Veterans we treat.  We will continue to assist our trainees in getting their clinical experiences.

We cannot predict what the 2021-2022 internship year will bring, but we will make the necessary accommodations to ensure that trainees obtain the clinical experiences and supervision required to meet their competencies in an environment that meets their health and wellness. As the situation with COVID continues, we will update our training experience as necessary. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The Department of Veterans Affairs Hudson Valley Health Care System, with campuses at Montrose and Castle Point, New York, offers fully-accredited APA internships in clinical and counseling psychology. Internships are full-time (2,080 hours) and consist of 3 hospital-based rotations; 1 of 6, and 2 of 3 months each, plus a year-long assignment to an outpatient clinic. As one of the largest psychiatric facilities in the VA, the Hudson Valley Healthcare System offers opportunities to work with a diverse patient population in a variety of clinical settings. Weekly seminars and 1 to 1 supervision provide specialized training in a range of assessment and treatment modalities. In addition, interns are offered support for their dissertations or other research interests, and have access to a rich array of professional education within the hospital and in the New York metropolitan area.

Contact Us

Kandice D. Prather

VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System

914-737-4400 ext. 203428

Am I Eligible? Checklist for VA HPTs

Social Work Graduate Training Program

Our Social Work Graduate Training Program offers field placement opportunities for first  and second year social work students in a wide variety of settings. Internships are offered at both the Montrose and Castle Point campuses.

Students learn social work practice, including assessments, case management, individual, group, and multi-disciplinary treatment planning.

We are currently affiliated with 2 graduate schools of social work, Fordham University and Adelphi University. We are interested in developing affiliations with other schools of social work.

Maria Russo, LMSW

Contact Us

VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System


914-737-4400 ext. 202022

Dental Residency Program

We offer a 1-year, ADA accredited, hospital-based advanced education in general dentistry residency. There are a total of 4 residents. Residents receive clinical and/or didactic training in the following areas:

  • Clinical pharmacology
  • Dental auxiliary utilization
  • Dental laboratory technology, including diagnostic radiology
  • Emergency dental care
  • Emergency medical care
  • Endodontia
    (geriatric dentistry; hospital organization and function; inpatient/same day surgery; oral diagnosis; oral pathology; oral surgery)
  • Pain and anxiety control
  • Periodontics
  • Physical evaluation and internal medicine
  • Preventive dentistry
  • Restorative dentistry (operative; prosthetic, fixed and removable)


The programs participate in the Post Doctoral Application Support Service (PASS) and in the Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program.

Contact us

Gregory M. Glavich, DMD
Program director

VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System

Castle Point phone: 845-831-2000 ext. 215160
Montrose phone: 914-737-4400 ext. 202424


Optometric Residency Program

Our Optometric Residency Program provides extensive postgraduate training in primary eyecare and ocular disease. The program provides the opportunity for the development a multi-disciplinary approach in the management of ocular conditions with systemic manifestations. The hospital setting supports interaction / rotation through various clinics which includes internal medicine, infectious disease, vascular and neurology. Moreover, residency training includes development of proficiency in advanced optometric clinical procedures, preparation of poster/lecture presentations and development of manuscripts for publication.

The academic affiliate of the residency program is the State University of New York (SUNY) - State College of Optometry. The college amplifies our training program with additional clinical/academic education.

Contact Us

Jean Jung, O.D., M.S., F.A.A.O.,


VA Hudson Valley Healthcare system

Phone: 914-737-4400 ext.202014
Fax: 914-788-4373 

Pharmacy Practice Residency Program

PGY1 Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency 

Our post-graduate year one (PGY1) Pharmacy Practice Residency Program  is designed to allow development of the resident into a clinical practitioner, who will contribute to positive outcomes in the practice of pharmacy. The program is a comprehensive, hospital-based, 12 month (July 1 - June 30) post-graduate residency.

The program focuses on the development of skills in a broad variety of practice settings including; primary care, long-term care, practice management, and pharmacy administration. Pharmacy residents will have the ability to accelerate their growth beyond entry-level professional competence into a variety of patient care areas and pharmacy practice settings. In accordance with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) standards, the goals of the residency program are to train pharmacists to develop the skills necessary to ensure optimal delivery of drug therapy to all patients, analyze and disseminate drug information to health care professionals and patients, investigate therapeutic problems in a scientific manner, and enhance the verbal and written communication skills of the resident. Residents will be expected to provide care to a wide range of patients, become leaders in the medication use process, manage pharmacy practice, function competently and in partnership with other providers, and teach at an appropriate level when the residency is completed. Elective participation in a teaching certificate program is also offered. 


The purpose of the PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency Program is to produce highly skilled pharmaceutical care providers competent in a variety of direct patient care and pharmacy management settings who will be prepared to work independently as an integral member of a health care team, or for PGY2 training in the area of their choice.


  • Manage and improve the medication-use process
  • Provide evidence-based, patient-centered medication therapy management with interdisciplinary teams
  • Exercise leadership and practice management skills
  • Demonstrate project management skills
  • Provide medication and practice-related education/training
  • Utilize medical informatics

        PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency

         Program Overview

We also offer a post-graduate year two (PGY2) Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency program, which is accredited by American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP). This 12-month program (July 1 - June 30) is designed to further develop medication management skills in a multidisciplinary ambulatory environment.

Emphasis is placed on providing the resident with direct patient care responsibilities to develop clinical skills, knowledge, and competencies. The resident is afforded the opportunity to longitudinally monitor patients' clinical progress through pharmacy-managed ambulatory care clinics.

The resident works closely with clinical pharmacy specialists who have responsibility for patient care in anticoagulation, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, smoking cessation, among other disease states. Each clinical pharmacy specialist has a scope of practice, which includes the authority to write prescriptions, order laboratory and other diagnostic tests, and consult other services when indicated.

The resident will be responsible for pharmacotherapy decisions, patient counseling, writing progress notes, and monitoring drug therapy to optimize therapeutic outcomes. Most patients are managed by outpatient clinic visits but telephone and clinical video tele-health (CVT) will also be utilized.

To the further development of clinical practice skills, the resident will acquire and cultivate advanced leadership skills. The resident will assist in the development of new policies and procedures needed to carry out the mission of pharmacy service to improve the quality of patient care. The resident will gain valuable experience in our pharmacy administrative programs, including local medication use evaluations, committee work, academic detailing, and developing clinical programs. Furthermore, the resident will be afforded the opportunity to participate in several patient education programs and will gain experience in lecture preparation, didactic teaching, and in the precepting of students.

The PGY2 resident also serves as a mentor to first-year residents and serves as the chief resident during the course of the year. Elective participation in a teaching certificate program is also offered. Additional teaching experience is provided by delivery of in-services for staff development and participation in pharmacy journal clubs and case discussions. Completion of a project of interest to the resident is also required. The resident will work with a project preceptor to plan, carry out, and evaluate the results of this project. These results are presented at the Eastern States Pharmacy Residents and Preceptors Conference in the spring of each year. A written manuscript of this project is required for completion of the residency.



The purpose of the PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency program is to prepare ambulatory care pharmacist specialists to be providers of direct patient care as members of a collaborative interdisciplinary practice.

Residents completing the PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency program will be competent and confident practitioners of pharmaceutical care in the ambulatory care practice setting. They will be a skilled teacher, excellent leader, and proficient practitioner who is accountable for achieving optimal drug therapy outcomes in an outpatient setting. The graduate will function independently, as well as be prepared to integrate as a member of a healthcare team. These pharmacists will exercise proficiency in communication and education of other healthcare professionals, patients, and the community. Residency graduates should possess competencies that enable attainment of board certification and are qualified to practice as a clinical pharmacy specialist.




  • Establish a collaborative interdisciplinary practice.
  • In a collaborative interdisciplinary ambulatory practice provide efficient, effective, evidence-based, patient-centered treatment for chronic and/or acute illnesses in all degrees of complexity.
  • Demonstrate leadership and practice management skills.
  • Promote health improvement, wellness, and disease prevention.
  • Demonstrate excellence in the provision of training or educational activities for resource on the optimal use of medications.
  • Serve as an authoritative resource on the optimal use of medications.

Contact Us

PGY1 & PGY2 Pharmacy Residency Resources

Kimberly Allison, PharmD, BCACP,

PGY1 Residency program director

VA Hudson valley Health Care system

Phone: 845-831-2000 ext. 215617

Rosa Bates, PharmD, BCACP, PGY2

Residency Program director
VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System
Phone: 845-831-2000, ext. 215600

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