Recreational therapy assists Veterans in returning to meaningful skills and activities. We engage in holistic wellness, assisting Veterans with the mental and physical aspects of their well being and empower Veterans with a sense of community. Therapeutic services are consult-based and provided by certified/credentialed clinicians in recreation therapy and creative arts therapies (art, drama, music).
In-patient programming is provided in the community living center, short-stay stabilization and rehab, specialty extended care, mental health unit and residential program, homeless domiciliary, med-surg unit, and substance abuse recovery program.
Out-patient programming includes adaptive sports, aquatic therapy, medical-fitness clinic, mindful warrior (VVC qigong, tai chi, adapted yoga), cancer exercise program (VVC), creative arts therapies (art, drama, music), rural veterans tele-rehab program (creative arts/VVC), and therapeutic gardening.
Therapeutic programs may be conducted face to face, individual, group, and virtually (where indicated).