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Programs at VA Northport Healthcare System
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Explore Northport VA's diverse program offerings, which include patient health care, cutting-edge clinical research, and other specialties.
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Whole Health Clinic

Did you know that Northport has a Whole Health Clinic right here at Northport VA Medical Center. 

Ask your provider to be enrolled in the program or contact us directly at 631-261-4400 extension 8138 or email the Program Manager, Augustin Mateescu @ augustin.mateescu@va.gov

Look how Whole Health is VA’s cutting-edge approach to care that supports your health and well-being. Whole Health centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you. This means your health team will get to know you as a person, before working with you to develop a personalized health plan based on your values, needs, and goals.


  • YOGA


Whole Health is VA’s cutting-edge approach to care that supports your health and well-being. Whole Health centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you. This means your health team will get to know you as a person, before working with you to develop a personalized health plan based on your values, needs, and goals.

Health and Well-Being Educational Classes

  • Nutrition and Inflammation
  • Power of Mind
  • Spirit and Soul
  • Surrounding and Personal Development

Find out how you can Whole Health from home through VA’s ongoing self-care blog series. This series highlights Whole Health resources—such as video sessions for yoga or meditation—that you can follow along at home to live healthier and happier. https://www.va.gov/wholehealth/

Hospice and Palliative Care

Hospice and Palliative Care

The VA NY/NJ Healthcare Network (VISN 3) includes 5 VA hospitals and 5 nursing homes and is a leader in VA and among health care organizations across the country. On July 23, 2010, the VISN 3 Palliative Care Program received the prestigious American Hospital Association 2010 Circle of Life Award. This award recognizes 3 programs from across the nation who demonstrate innovative programs in the delivery of palliative and end of life care. VISN 3 is the first organization in the Veterans Health Administration to receive this award.

VISN 3 has been building a palliative and end-of-life care program since 2003 characterized by a network-wide, standardized and interdisciplinary approach to care. The network has established a Palliative Care Team which includes a VISN Palliative Care (PC) Medical Director, VISN Palliative Care Advanced Practice Nurse Program Manager and consultation team members at each of the sites. The core team members of the PC teams include an Advanced Practice Nurse Coordinator, Physician, Social Worker, Chaplain and Psychologist.

Each Palliative Care Team's goal is to ensure that veterans with life-limiting illness and their families receive care in which their comfort is a priority and their values and choices for end of life care are respected. Psychological, social and spiritual needs are addressed and practical and bereavement support are provided.

While each facility has an inpatient Hospice and Palliative Care Unit, palliative care is available in all venues of care in VISN 3, including intensive and acute care, community living centers and at home through collaboration with local hospice agencies.

How can Palliative Care help?

  • Symptom management
  • Psychosocial and spiritual support for patients and families
  • Educational and emotional support for staff
  • Continuity and coordination of care
  • Communication with patients and families

Ask your physician or nurse if you would like to see a member of our Palliative Care Team. Palliative Care is not just for patients at the end of life. Palliative Care is for everyone with serious illness.

Extended Care and Rehabilitation

Extended Care and Rehabilitation

For the following programs, patients must meet the eligibility criteria for long term care and will be assessed regarding LTC co-payment prior to evaluation for the program. An exception may be made for patients requiring Palliative Care. 

The Geriatric Evaluation and Management Program (GEM)

The GEM program utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to evaluate and treat problems of the elderly. Its goals are to improve the veteran's level of physical and psychological function and to find and treat previously undetected problems. The veteran must have the mental capacity to learn new skills. Emphasis is placed on meeting all the veteran's needs and discharging patients to home. The usual length of stay on the GEM unit is 4 weeks or less.

Short Stay Unit (SSU)

The Short Stay Unit program uses an interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of the elderly. Its goals are to improve the veteran’s level of function, to complete initiated treatment, palliative care, and implementation of discharge plan. Emphasis is on discharging patients to home or a facility other than a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF). The usual length of stay on the Short Stay Unit is 60-90 days.

Respite Program

The Respite program provides chronically ill veterans with short-term stays in a nursing home unit in order to support and relieve their caregivers and help the veteran to continue to live at home. Contact the Nurse Manager, NHCU IV, (631) 261-4400, ext. 7449, or your Primary Care team’s social worker.

Palliative Care Unit

The Palliative Care program provides terminally ill patients who have completed desired and definitive treatment, with a supporting, understanding, and sustaining setting. Its goal is to help patients to live free from pain and symptoms.

Nursing Home Care

If you need more intensive care than can be provided at home or by family members, you may require care in a nursing home where physicians, nurses, social workers, physical therapists and other professionals provide specialized care. Your stay may be long or short term, depending upon your needs. Nursing home placements include:

  • VA Nursing Home Units: Service-connected veterans are given priority status for these placements. VA facilities in the New York area include the Bronx, St. Albans and Northport.
  • VA Contract Nursing Homes: The VA may pay for up to 31 days of care for non-service connected veterans when the veteran is transferred from an inpatient unit at the VA Medical Center. For service-connected veterans, the contract may be indefinite. You will need to apply for Medicaid to cover the cost of care following expiration of the contract. To allow sufficient time for their processing, Medicaid applications need to be initiated before you are accepted into the home. Non service-connected veterans and non-compensable zero percent service-connected veterans may be subject to co-payments when the placement is paid by the VA contract.
  • Medicare/Medicaid or Private Payment Nursing Home Care: The nursing home costs are paid through either of these means depending on your situation.
  • State Veteran’s Homes: In our immediate NY downstate area, State homes are located in Stony Brook, and on the VA campuses at St. Albans, Queens and Montrose, NY. State Nursing Homes are certified to accept Medicare and Medicaid for payment.
Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) 631-261-4400 Ext. 7903

Home Based Primary Care (HBPC)   

  • 631-261-4400 Ext. 7903

Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) is an Extended Care interdisciplinary program which provides primary health services to veterans in their place of residence, in conjunction with family and community support. It provides eligible veterans with a connection to the VA and home visits by members of the HBPC team for patients with multiple chronic long-term diagnoses (physical, social , psychological and spiritual) who are often cared for by a fragile caregiver or live alone. HBPC is a replacement for veterans attending Northport VAMC or a community based outpatient clinic (CBOC) for Primary Care services. Specialty appointments are not available in HBPC. HBPC Interdisciplinary team located at the Northport campus serving part of Suffolk and Nassau county . HBPC team located at the Riverhead CBOC serves a rural population.

Hospice and Palliative Care   631-261-4400 Ext. 5528

Hospice and Palliative Care  

  • 631-261-4400 Ext. 5528

The VA NY/NJ Healthcare Network (VISN 2) includes 5 VA hospitals and 5 nursing homes and is a leader in VA and among health care organizations across the country. On July 23, 2010, the VISN 3 Palliative Care Program received the prestigious American Hospital Association 2010 Circle of Life Award. This award recognizes 3 programs from across the nation who demonstrate innovative programs in the delivery of palliative and end of life care. VISN 2 is the first organization in the Veterans Health Administration to receive this award.

VISN 2 has been building a palliative and end-of-life care program since 2003 characterized by a network-wide, standardized and interdisciplinary approach to care. The network has established a Palliative Care Team which includes a VISN Palliative Care (PC) Medical Director, VISN Palliative Care Advanced Practice Nurse Program Manager and consultation team members at each of the sites. The core team members of the PC teams include an Advanced Practice Nurse Coordinator, Physician, Social Worker, Chaplain and Psychologist.

Each Palliative Care Team's goal is to ensure that veterans with life-limiting illness and their families receive care in which their comfort is a priority and their values and choices for end of life care are respected. Psychological, social and spiritual needs are addressed and practical and bereavement support are provided.

While each facility has an inpatient Hospice and Palliative Care Unit, palliative care is available in all venues of care in VISN 2, including intensive and acute care, community living centers and at home through collaboration with local hospice agencies.

How can Palliative Care help?

  • Symptom management
  • Psychosocial and spiritual support for patients and families
  • Educational and emotional support for staff
  • Continuity and coordination of care
  • Communication with patients and families

Ask your physician or nurse if you would like to see a member of our Palliative Care Team. Palliative Care is not just for patients at the end of life. Palliative Care is for everyone with serious illness.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Veteran Care (631) 261-4400 x2066

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Veteran Care

(631) 261-4400 x 2066 

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VHA) is committed to providing quality care to all Veterans including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Veterans. Excellent care has no boundaries.

Northport VA Medical Center seeks to promote the health, welfare, and dignity of LGBT Veterans and their families. We are committed to making sensitive and high quality health care accessible. Our policies and practices focus on ensuring a safe, welcoming, and affirmative environment of care for LGBT Veterans. Our employees receive training in clinically competent care that is responsive to the unique needs of LGBT Veterans.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Program

The Northport VA Medical Center team provides an open, supportive and safe environment to meet the needs of LGBT Veterans and their families. Our program offers individual, family and couples therapy for LGBT Veterans. Therapy is also available for Veterans wanting to explore their sexual orientation/identity further.  The staff at the Northport VA Medical Center receive annual LGBT sensitivity training, as well as a transgender mental health services training. The LGBT population can receive other treatment modalities based on their needs.

The Northport VA Medical Center is accredited by the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI) the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the educational arm of the country’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization and accredited by HEI.

LGBT Health Services

Individual, group, couples and family therapy

Pre-and-post gender reassignment support

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Multi-disciplinary Transgender Treatment Team

Veteran care via Specialty Care Access Network - Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes

Speech pathology

LGBT Veterans face increased health risks and unique challenges in accessing quality health care. VA is developing policies, provider-education programs, and services to ensure high quality, patient-centered care for LGBT Veterans.

Point of Contact:

Stefanie Maffea, LMSW

Social Worker
LGBT Veteran Care Coordinator (VCC)
(631) 261-4400 x2066

LGBT Veteran Care Coordinator (VCC) Program

As of March 2016, each VA facility has a local LGBT Veteran Care Coordinator (VCC) who is appointed by their facility leadership. The VCC is responsible for promoting best practices for serving LGBT Veterans and connecting LGBT Veterans to services.



MEMORY LOSS/ DEMENTIA CARE 631-261-4400 Ext. 6973


  • 631-754-7978
  • 631-261-4400 Ext. 6973

 When is memory loss a problem? We can help you find out!

 Do you wonder if you or the Veteran you care for are experiencing changes in memory or thinking? Ask yourself, Does the Veteran… 

  • Ask the same questions over and over again?                   
  • Become lost in places that are well known?                             
  • Have difficulty following directions?                                          
  • Get confused about time, people, and places? 
  • Have difficulty caring for themselves – eating poorly, not bathing, or being unsafe?                                                                                             

 If you answered yes to any of these items, we can help! Please click here for a printable version of this quiz to take to your health care team.


Understanding Memory Changes

Everyone experiences changes in their thinking, with memory loss being a common concern. Having this concern does not always mean that there is anything wrong. It may be a part of normal aging but could also be due to medical conditions. If you think that your difficulties with memory are more than what you expected, then you can get it checked out at the Northport VA. When symptoms are identified early, we can get you the care and support that you need.

 Here are some common concerns that Veterans describe:

  • Problems with short-term memory (e.g., names or recent events)
  • Difficulty finding words (e.g., “tip of the tongue”)
  • Confusion
  • Personality or behavior changes
  • Difficulty performing everyday tasks (e.g., paying bills, remembering appointments, keeping track of a purse or wallet)

 How Do You Get Started? 

If you are concerned, let us know. Care can be provided through a range of health care services at the Northport VA and is tailored to the Veteran’s needs. 

Step 1: Contact Veteran’s PACT primary care provider to set up an appointment and discuss the concerns that you have. To schedule an appointment, call 631-754-7978, or contact your provider through My HealtheVet. 

Step 2: At the PACT appointment, your doctor will discuss your concerns and create a plan to look into them with you.

  • Lab work, testing, memory and/or emotional screens may be a part of the process.

 Step 3: You will discuss the results with your provider and develop a plan of care.


 Resources Available at the VA 

No matter where you are in this process, Northport VA has resources and support for both Veteran and caregiver. For information or to get a referral for any of the below services, contact your PACT (primary care provider): 

Medical and Related Services (telehealth and in-person options available through PACT referral)

 In-Home Services (available through PACT referral)

  • Home Based Primary Care (HBPC)
  • Skilled Homecare
  • Telehealth / VVC
  • Home Safety Evaluation (through Occupational Therapy)
  • Contract Home Health Aide (HHA) / Adult Day Health Care (ADHC)

 Caregiver Support (available through PACT referral)

  • Caregiver Support Program 631-261-4400 ext. 6973 (no referral needed)
  • Caregivers Video Series (designed to aid caregivers who are helping a loved one with dementia)
  • Support Group for Dementia Caregivers
  • Self-Care Groups for Caregivers
  • Respite Care 

Community and National Resources 

Caring for persons with dementia can be complex, and your Northport team is available to address your questions and to help you deal with complexities that may arise over time. You can also learn more information about dementia care including Veteran caregiver family resources, information regarding safety and other concerns, education and support, and other relevant issues by visiting: 


Elizabeth Dole Foundation

Respite Care


Dementia Care

Caregiver National

Mental Health 631-266-6077

Mental Health

If you qualify for VA health care, you can get high-quality mental health services as part of your benefits. You may also be able to get care for certain mental health problems even if you don't have VA health care.

About the Program

Northport VAMC provides a full continuum of mental health care that includes diverse inpatient, outpatient and community- based treatment programs. We recognize that each veteran’s mental health needs are unique and his/her plan of care is specifically developed to address his/her personal care needs. These services include:

  • Psychosocial Rehabilitation Recovery Center
  • Health Psychology
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Substance Abuse Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (SARRTP)
  • Mental Health Intensive Case Management
  • Acute Inpatient Services
  • Emergency Treatment
  • Substance Abuse Treatment

Mental Health Clinics in the Medical Center and in the Community 

A team of mental health professionals, including physicians, nurses, social workers, and psychologists provide medication management, supportive therapy, and individual therapy. Support groups are available for special issues, as well as family or couples therapy. If you think the Mental Health Clinic would be helpful to you, please speak with your VA primary care physician or call 631-261-4400 x2785.

Substance Abuse Treatment Center

Enrolled veterans who need treatment for the disease of addiction may contact the Access Care Center in Building 63 on the first floor. The Center is open Monday through Friday (excluding Federal holidays) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Call the Center at 631-261-4400 x5780.

We offer three treatment options within our Substance Abuse program - Partial Hospitalization (intensive outpatient addiction treatment), Aftercare (less-intensive outpatient addiction therapy), and outpatient detoxification. Call Psychiatry Service at 631-261-4400 x2785 for further information.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Recovery Center

This is a unique program in which eligible patients may participate in either an intensive residential PTSD program or the less-intensive outpatient program that allows veterans to participate in day or evening group or individual sessions. To arrange a screening appointment, call 631-261-4400 x2774.

We also offer specialty services such as geriatric psychiatry, consultation and health psychology programs, neuropsychological assessment, family and marital therapy; help for Ex-POWs, Persian Gulf and Vietnam Era veterans and treatment for victims of sexual abuse.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Recovery Center

The Psychosocial Rehabilitation Recovery Center (PRRC) is a group and recovery-based program for Veterans diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness. It provides a structured, supportive environment within which Veterans can develop the skills and confidence necessary to live satisfying lives and function successfully in the community. Some groups offered: Health Education, Weight Management, Positive Thinking and Coping with PTSD. Please talk to your mental health provider if interested in PRRC so a consult can be submitted on your behalf.

Health Psychology

If you think you need any of the following services, speak with your provider. For further information, call Psychology Service at 631-261-4400 x2259.

  • Stress Management
  • Non-pharmaceutical Pain Management
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Diet Modification and Weight Control
  • HIV counseling and Support

Mental Health Intensive Case Management for Veterans Living in the Community 

Intensive case management is for veterans with a serious mental illness who live in the community, have received 30 or more days of psychiatric hospital care during the previous year or have had three or more psychiatric hospitalizations, and would be helped by weekly follow up with a case manager. The goal of case management is to assist veterans in participating in the activities of daily living to help them recover from mental illness, live in the community and achieve the highest quality of life possible. Case managers help veterans to get needed psychiatric and medical care within the VA and the community. Please speak with your VA doctor.

Military Sexual Trauma 

Veterans, both women and men, have experienced sexual trauma while they served on active military duty. While some of these veterans sought counseling and treatment for the aftereffects of the trauma, many have never discussed the incident or their medical or psychological condition with anyone.

VA provides eligible veterans with confidential counseling and treatment for the aftereffects of sexual trauma, helping them to better cope with the trauma experience, regain their confidence and self-esteem, and improve their quality of life. Call the Military Sexual Trauma Coordinator at 631-261-4400 x7012.

The Babylon Vet Center and Nassau/Hicksville Vet Center

The Babylon Vet Center, located at 100 West Main Street in Babylon, NY 11702, and the Nassau/Hicksville Vet Center, located at 970 South Broadway in Hicksville, NY 11801, specialize in psychotherapy for veterans suffering from war trauma. Eligibility is based on military service during specific periods of war or hostile actions and a clinical assessment that determines that such experiences remain unresolved for the veteran. The Vet Center also provides services to family members as needed. In addition, the Vet Center offers psychotherapy for military sexual trauma that occurred while on active duty and bereavement counseling for people affected by the active duty death of a loved one.

There is no means test. All services are provided free. The hours of operation are irregular in order to accommodate working veterans and family members. For more information, please call the Babylon Vet Center at 631-661-3930 or the Nassau/Hicksville Vet Center at 516-348-0088.

Related Links

MOVE for Heart Health

Welcome to the MOVE!   

Weight Management Program, supported by VA's National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NCP).  We at NCP are proud to make this program available to our Veterans. Now in its second decade, MOVE! includes the most up-to-date approaches for weight management. Please explore our website to learn more about MOVE!

What is MOVE!?  MOVE! is a weight management, health promotion program designed to improve the lives of Veterans. MOVE!’s core ideas—encouraging healthy eating behavior, increasing physical activity, and promoting even small weight losses—are easy to follow and based on the latest in nutrition science. With the help of your MOVE! care team, you can reduce health risks, prevent or reverse certain diseases, improve your quality of life, and even live longer!

If you would like to learn more about how MOVE! has helped thousands of Veterans achieve those goals, make sure to read our MOVE! Success Stories.

You can contact MOVE for Heart Health Program Manager, Hanjo Kwon-Anderson, DO, MPH, by calling 

631-261-4400 ext. 2160

or by visiting https://www.move.va.gov/MOVE/GetStarted.asp



Important Reminder About VA Medication Refills

To prevent waste and reduce risk of sending unneeded medications, VA does not automatically issue refills. To receive a medication refill, you must actively request it using one of the methods described here. Because COVID19 is impacting the timeliness of mail delivery, it is more important than ever to make refill requests once your current supply arrives. Veterans who run out of medication should call 1-800-799-3023 and speak with a VA pharmacy representative.

All medication refills and renewals are made through our mail-out pharmacy. Veterans who use this system agree that it is very accurate and convenient. Your prescriptions are delivered right to your mailbox. Our goal is to provide cost effective services in an accurate and timely manner to Veterans. You can request a refill by phone, internet, mail or use the pharmacy drop box. You can request a renewal by phone. Note: All refills and renewals should be ordered at least ten (10) days prior to when the refill is due to insure prompt processing and delivery time.

Prescription Refills

Internet Prescription Refills

Prescriptions may be refilled online using VA's My HealtheVet program. To refill a medication or to check the status of your refill request, log in to your My HealtheVet account. You will need a user ID and password to log in. If you do not have one, you can easily register online by creating a personal profile or you can visit the Voluntary Service and speak to one of our My HealtheVet In-Person Authenticators for training and assistance with My HealtheVet.

Register: Getting Started with My HealtheVet

  1. Go to My HealtheVet.
  2. Select the green Register Today Start Here button on the landing page.
  3. Complete the Registration Form.
  4. Select the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy links, read and then Accept.
  5. Select the red SAVE button at the bottom of the Registration form.

For additional features, be sure to upgrade to a premium account.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process or your account you can:

  • Send us details using the Contact Us form. Our goal is to reply to you by the next business day; or
  • Call the My HealtheVet National Help Desk at 1-877-327-0022, Monday - Friday, 8am-8pm (EST); or
  • Contact the Northport My HealteVet Coordinator, Valerie Drautz, at 631-261-4400 x5358.

My HealtheVet Resources

• My HealtheVet Brochure
• My HealtheVet Online Prescription Refills
• My HealtheVet Online Prescription Refills Fact Sheet
• My HealtheVet Registration

Phone Prescription Refills

An automated refill line is available for all patients. Have your prescription number and social security number ready for the call. If you wait until the end of the call, you will have the opportunity to speak with a live person.

  1. Dial 1-800-799-3023.
  2. After you dial, wait for the automated attendant to answer.
  3. Enter your full social security number followed by the # key. Wait for an answer.
  4. Press 2 for Pharmacy Options.
  5. Press 1 for refills followed by the prescription number and the # key. To refill additional prescriptions, press 1 and repeat the process.
  6. Press 2 to check prescription status followed by the prescription number and the # key.
  7. To check the status of your refill request, call the automated refill line at 1-800-799-3023.

Mail Prescription Refills

Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
P. O. Box 9000
Northport, NY 11768-9000

Once your prescription refill has been processed, your medications will be mailed to you.

Pharmacy Drop Box for Prescription Refills

Located in the Bldg 200 Pavilion Outpatient Pharmacy area.


Prescription Renewals (if no refills remain or your prescription has expired):

Phone Prescription Renewals

    1. Dial 1-800-799-3023. This automated renewal option is available at the same toll-free telephone number as the automated refills.
    2. Once your request has been submitted, your provider will make the final decision on the request.
    3. To check the status of your renewal request, please call the automated toll-free telephone number at 1-800-799-3023.
    4. Note: Not all prescriptions are eligible for automated renewal requests.


    1. • Not all clinics are participating in automated renewal requests at this time.


    1. • Controlled substances are not eligible for renewals.


  1. • If it has been more than 120 days since your prescription expired, the prescription is not eligible for renewal.


If you are not able to successfully refill or renew your prescription using the options above, you can always ask a pharmacist or your health care provider by using Secure Messaging on My HealtheVet.


Drug Information

Please visit My HealtheVet for information about your prescriptions. If you can’t find what you are looking for, you can:

  1. Ask a pharmacist or your health care provider by using Secure Messaging on My HealtheVet.
  2. Visit the VA National Formulary website for drug information.
  3. Speak to a pharmacy technician at the Pharmacy Call Center by calling the toll-free telephone number on your prescription bottle.
  4. Call the VA Nurses Helpline at 1-800-877-6976 after 4:30pm and on weekends and Federal Holidays.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services

The Northport VA Medical Center Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service evaluates the degree of injury or impairment and restores functioning ability to the highest level to which a patient is capable. Many rehabilitative services are available including Physiatry (the physiatrist is a Medical Doctor for the disabled), Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Kinesiotherapy, and Cardiac Rehabilitation.

Staff and physicians work closely with spinal cord injured veterans, family members and significant others to ensure the highest quality of care. We assist the spinal cord injured patient to enhance his health, improve functional abilities and maintain a quality of life. These goals are met through patient education and participation in research.

Social Work 631-261-4400 Ext. 7029

About the Program

Social Work at the Northport VA Medical Center is an integral part of health care. We help veterans and their families with problems associated with the stress of an illness. Social Workers are assigned to inpatient units, ambulatory care clinics, our VA Nursing Home Units, VA community based programs and other outpatient clinics and programs. Contact your unit, program or clinic social worker or call 631-261-4400 x7029 for assistance.

Social workers help veterans find resources to meet their needs within the VA system and in their community such as —

  • home health services
  • legal services
  • transportation
  • community living

Services Offered

Social work offers counseling —

  • to veterans with drug, alcohol, and emotional problems
  • to help veterans and their families understand and adjust to an illness or disability
  • to veterans and family members who want to prepare advance directives and durable powers of attorney for health care or finances
  • to help veterans and their families cope with terminal illness
  • to family members about legal issues such as commitment and guardianship

Counseling is conducted through —

  • one-on-one discussions
  • family conferences
  • group classes