Title Budgeting & Emergency Savings Meta Teaser description Wellness Wednesday Financial Education Content Date and time Wed, Jul 20 2022, 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT Event image Jul WW banner.png Hidden in media library Section Outreach Hub Full event description Creating a budget is a roadmap to make the most of the money you earn and allows you to be intentional on how much you spend and save. Establishing an emergency savings fund will help you prepare for unexpected expenses or loss of income and help you feel in control of how to spend and save with a purpose. The session will cover important topics, like these: -Taking an in-depth inventory of your finances -Setting up and fine-tuning your budget -Finding ways to save more and create an emergency savings fund -And more URL https://cvent.me/yqnnrr Call to action Register Location-related Location type Online Registration related URL https://cvent.me/yqnnrr Registration is required for this event No Cost Free Curation Featured Off Include registration information Off