
Triangle, VA - Vet Centers-Marine Corps MOU Commemoration Ceremony

Teaser description
"Hosted by the Marine Corps and the Veterans Health Administration"
Date and time
Full event description
  •  A joint ceremony will be hosted by the Marine Corps and the Veterans Health Administration to commemorate the signing of a  memorandum of understanding between the United States Marine Corps and Readjustment Counseling Service (Vet Centers).
  • The MOU provides an opportunity for Vet Center personnel to offer early identification and counseling to eligible Marines and families -- to include Marine Reserve components. It also provides for referral support to those who may be ineligible for Vet Center services solely because they were discharged under dishonorable conditions from active military, naval, or air service.
  • A mobile Vet Center will set up in front of the main entrance of the museum and conduct outreach to museum visitors before and after the ceremony. Attendees are encouraged to meet with Vet Center staff, and tour the Mobile Vet Center.
  • Leadership from USMC Manpower and Reserve Affairs, along with the VA’s Veterans Health Administration will be on hand to commemorate the MOU signing.  
  • National Museum of the Marine Corps - The National Museum of the Marine Corps (usmcmuseum.com)
Building, floor, or room
National Museum of the Marine Corps

1775 Semper Fidelis Way
Triangle, VA
United States

Location type
At a non-VA location
Registration related
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