Title Achieving Success Despite Historical Discrimination Content Date and time Mon, Nov 7 2022, 2:00pm - 4:00pm EST Full event description On Monday, November 7th, 2:00pm - 4:00pm MJHS is hosting a virtual event, Achieving Success, Despite Historical Discrimination, featuring two prominent military women: Dr. Annette Tucker Osborne, (Colonel of the U.S, Army, retired) and incoming President of the National Association of Black Military Women; and Director Reverend Viviana DeCohen, Director of the New York State Division of Veterans’ Services, and Veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. They are dynamic individuals who will present on their experiences in the military, as care givers, and as mentors. Call to action Register Location-related Address United States Location type At a VA facility Registration related URL https://www.mjhspalliativeinstitute.org/e-learning/?w=achieving-success-despite… Registration is required for this event Yes Cost Free Curation Featured Off Include registration information On