Title Coping With Change - Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces Content Date and time Mon, Mar 20 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT (1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT) Full event description The American Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces division is offering free virtual workshops aimed to build resiliency among our service members, veterans, and their family members. This live discussion is facilitated by a licensed mental health professional from our Service to the Armed Forces team. You will have an opportunity to share with others, learn and practice new skills, and ask questions in a small online group. URL https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coping-with-change-red-cross-service-to-the-armed-… Call to action Register Location-related Address United States Location type Online Registration related URL https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coping-with-change-red-cross-service-to-the-armed-… Registration is required for this event Yes Cost Free Curation Featured Off Include registration information On