Title Soldiers' Angels Military and Veteran Food Distribution - Denver Content Date and time Fri, May 5 2023, 11:30am - 1:30pm MDT (1:30pm - 3:30pm EDT) Full event description Soldiers’ Angels will provide food assistance for low-income Service Members, Veterans, and their families in Denver. The monthly Soldiers’ Angels Military and Veteran Food Distribution event will provide approximately 75 lbs. of groceries for Service Members and Veterans in need in the Denver area. Service Members and Veterans must register ahead of time for this event then provide proof of Military or Veteran status. Call to action Register Location-related Building, floor, or room The Jewell VA Clinic Address 14400 E Jewell Ave. Aurora, CO United States Location type At a non-VA location Registration related URL https://soldiersangels.org/get-support/veteranfooddistributions/denver/ Registration is required for this event No Cost Free Curation Featured Off Include registration information On