The updated boosters will be delivered to VHA facilities as early as next week.
With the authorization of these updated boosters, the vaccines which had been used previously throughout the pandemic are no longer authorized by FDA for use as boosters, effective immediately. For Veterans planning to get a booster dose this week, we will work to reschedule so that they can get the newer booster offering broader protection when it becomes available. We anticipate a gap in booster administration of about a week while we wait for the new boosters to arrive.
If you were planning to get a booster dose this week, we recommend that you wait until the updated booster is available. This updated booster will provide you with better protection against COVID-19.
The original COVID-19 vaccines are still available for those who have not yet begun a COVID-19 vaccination series and are effective at preventing severe illness from COVID-19.
For more information call for an appointment or pharmacy 1-800-214-1306 or visit
Suicide Prevention Month
September is Suicide Prevention Month. Here at VA Pacific Islands Health Care System (VAPIHCS) we are honored to care for the men and women who have worn the cloth of our nation. Sometimes that means treating physical health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. However, I always say that mental health is just as important as physical health, and so we want to take care of that aspect of Veterans’ health care as well.
If you or someone you know needs help, please reach out. The number for the Veterans Crisis line 988, then press 1. You can also text 838255. Additionally, you can all our main line 1-800-214-1306, select option 4 to speak with someone in Mental Health Services. The VA offers multiple apps on VA Launchpad to assist in identifying mental health resources: VA Launchpad for Veterans | VA Mobile
Some numbers you may want to keep handy:
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE)
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Caring for the men and women who have worn the cloth of our nation is a privilege that we don’t take lightly. Your mental health is important, and we want to make sure that you feel like you can reach out to us if you’re having any kind of struggle with your mental health. Let us talk to you about your options and find the solutions that are right for you.
Throughout the month of September, we’ll be featuring our Suicide Prevention Program through our VAPIHCS Talk Story Podcast. Listen here: VAPIHCS TALK STORY Podcast
World Sexual Health Day
September 4, 2022, is World Sexual Health Day. In health care, we know that patients can sometimes feel uncomfortable bringing up certain topics when they visit our offices. This day is a way to start a conversation about sexual health, and talk to us about something that they might not otherwise bring up. Sexual health is important. It contributes to the overall well-being of our patients, and we want you to feel safe bringing up any questions that you may have with your care team. If you’d like to make an appointment to talk about any aspect of your sexual health, please call us at 1-800-214-1306.
Healthy Aging Month
September is also Healthy Aging Month. VA has a lot of ways to stay healthy as you age. Gerofit is a great way for Veterans to stay active by using a variety of strength and aerobic exercises. Veterans also stay active by participating in group classes like tai chi, dancing, walking, and balance. For those who are interested, click on Gerofit Resources. There are also wonderful tips for healthy aging through our Whole Health program I encourage you to take advantage of VA programs to stay healthy as you age. If you have questions about the best ways for you to stay mentally and physically well, please call us and make an appointment today.
Thoughts from Chaplain Richie Charles
There are a few things that we tend to dislike more than irritants. But in the case of oysters, and other mollusks of the ocean, we find an inspirational example in nature of how an irritant can result in a gem of an experience.
From time to time, foreign objects such as food particles and small living creatures make their way into a mollusk’s shell. These particles are called “irritants”. To protect itself, the oyster wraps the particle with a substance called nacre (or “Mother of Pearl”).
As it wraps the irritant with mother of pearl, it ends of producing the beautiful pearls adored by humans today. While most other gemstones are minerals formed in the earth as a result of pressure and heat, pearls are the only gems created inside of a living creature!
Oysters therefore provide an inspirational example of how to transform problems into precious pearls. Pearls are the by-product of an oyster resolving to meet its challenges with the best resources it has.
Oysters remind us that a key to resilience is being able to meet life’s challenges with the right attitude. Oysters understand that they cannot control everything in their environment, nor can they always prevent irritants from making their way into their life experiences. But they can, however, create a gem out of the challenges that come their way.
When we choose to meet our challenges with the right attitude, not only do we gain personal victories, we also gain precious experiences that can become pearls of wisdom that can be shared with others facing similar challenges. It allows us to gain the wisdom and empathy to better relate to others and become a source of encouragement for those passing through similar challenges. Let’s resolve to create pearls out of problems, gaining wisdom that will be treasured by others.
Clinics will be closed Sept. 3 and 5, however the drive-thru pharmacy will be open 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday Sept. 3.
Have a safe Labor Day weekend,
One Team, One Ohana!
Adam M. Robinson, Jr., MD, MBA, CPE
Director, VA Pacific Islands Health Care System
36th Surgeon General, USN
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Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. on AM830,KHVH with Rick Hamada