
Orthopedics - Palo Alto VA Medical Center

VHA health service name and description
Patient friendly name
Bones, muscles and joints
Common conditions
arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, tendon and ligament repair, joint replacement

Our orthopedists offer advanced care and treatment for issues related to muscles, bones and joints, including arthritis, disorders of the muscles and bones, tendon and ligament repair and joint replacement.

Type of care
Specialty care
Health Service API ID
This is a required Vet Center service
Show for VAMC Facilities
VAMC system description of service

Our service deals with musculoskeletal problems of the arms and legs that may need surgery. These include fractures of bones, joint problems such as arthritis, injuries to tendons and ligaments, and orthopedic tumors in any location. Presently, spine problems are addressed by either physical medicine and rehabilitation (non-surgical) or neurosurgery (surgical). Hand problems are addressed by the Hand Service that is run by Plastic Surgery.

We personally see patients in Palo Alto, Livermore, San Jose, and Monterey. We also provide orthopedic consultations for Veterans in their own homes with VA telemedicine technology. Telemedicine visits can be done for Veterans in any location as long as they have a computer and an adequate internet connection.

Contact us

A consult from your primary care physician is required to schedule a clinic appointment. Our main number is 650-493-5000 ext. 66101.

Instructional videos for patients

Joint replacement surgery pre-op class (video link)

What to expect when having joint replacement surgery

Feedback survey / Question form

Total knee replacement at VA Palo Alto (video link)

What to expect when having total knee replacement surgery

Physical therapy after total knee replacement (video link)

Exercises you should do before and after surgery

Total hip replacement surgery at VA Palo Alto (video link)

How to prepare for surgery and what to expect before, during and after your hospitalization

Nerve block system regional anesthesia (video link)

Learn more about the procedure


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   Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.

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