
Radiology - Staff Sergeant Alexander W. Conrad Veterans Affairs Health Care Clinic

VHA health service name and description
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We use imaging to help screen for, diagnose, and treat illness and injury. We provide X-rays and other imaging technologies.
Type of care
Specialty care
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VAMC system description of service

We offer radiology and imaging services to diagnose and treat many medical conditions. Our services include:

  • X-ray (diagnostic x-ray, barium, urologic examinations, arthrograms, pain injections)
  • Ultrasound
  • Breast Imaging  (mammograms, breast ultrasound, breast MRI)
  • Computer tomography (CT)
  • Nuclear Medicine/Positron emission tomography (PET)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Preparation for Imaging examinations

-CT Imaging Examinations-

The patient should have NOTHING to eat for 4 hours prior to a CT examination. Patients may only have clear liquids (water, apple juice). Patients should take their medications at the normal time with clear liquids only. Some patients may need to drink oral contrast. If the patient was dispensed oral contrast by the scheduling clinic, then the patient should drink the bottle 2 hours prior to their scheduled appointment. If the patient did not receive the contrast prior to his/her schedule appointment time, then he/she must arrive in Radiology 2 hours prior to their examination time.

CT Examination of Head/Neck/Chest – with Contrast only (No special prep necessary without contrast): Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to the examination. If the patient has allergies to contrast, then the patient’s physician is responsible for prescribing necessary pre-medications. Take all medications as directed.

CT Examination of Pelvis – With or Without Contrast:  Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to the examination. Drink first bottle of contrast 2 hours prior to the examination; drink the second bottle of contrast 60 minutes prior to the examination. If the patient has allergies to contrast, then the patient’s physician is responsible for prescribing necessary pre-medications. For diabetic patients having a CT examination with IV contrast, please follow instructions given by your provider. Take all medications as directed.

CT Examination of Abdomen and Abdomen/Pelvis with or Without Contrast: Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to the examination. Drink first bottle of contrast 2 hours prior to the examination; drink the second bottle of contrast 60 minutes prior to the examination. If the patient has allergies to contrast, then the patient’s physician is responsible for prescribing necessary pre-medications. For diabetic patients having a CT examination with IV contrast, please see the instructions above. Take all medications as directed.

CT Examination Without Contrast: No preparation is required.


Upper GI or Esophagram: Allow up to 1 hour for this examination. The patient should have nothing to eat or drink after midnight, or 6 hours prior to the imaging study.

Small Bowel Series: Allow 2-4 hours for this examination. The patient should have nothing to eat or drink after midnight, or 6 hours prior to the imaging study.

Barium Enema or Air Contrast Enema: Allow 2 hours for this examination. Follow instructions given with the barium enema prep kit.

Pain/Steroid/Stem Injections: No prep necessary.

Mammography: If your last mammogram was NOT done at Phoenix VA, then you MUST bring a copy of your most recent imaging studies with you. Radiology must have a copy of your previous images for comparison purposes in order to allow for an accurate read.

Do not use any deodorant, perfume, powder, ointment, or any other skin products on your chest, breast, or under arms on the day of the appointment. To achieve diagnostic images of the breast, the breast must be firmly compressed. Most women find this compression acceptable. If your breasts are especially tender, then we suggest that you schedule your appointment when your breasts are the least sensitive (usually during the first 10 days of your menstrual cycle). Results will be reported to your clinician who will then communicate the findings to you.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Federal law requires our facility to give/send you a letter with your mammography results within 30 days. Please be advised that children are not allowed in our examination rooms and make arrangements for their care prior to your appointment with us. 

MRI Examinations: Important MRI Examination Risks Patients with metallic implants, pacemakers, metal clips, or stents must notify Radiology prior to the MRI appointment. The items listed below may interfere with MRI studies, or they may be hazardous to your study. If you have any of the following, please contact Radiology’s MRI section at 602.277.5551 x 5041 and relay to them the make and model of the device prior to your scheduled appointment time.

Cardiac Pacemaker, Pregnancy Insulin Pump, Shrapnel, Bone Stimulator, Brain or Aneurysm Clips, Neuro Stimulator, IUD, Breast Tissue Expanders

Claustrophobia Management: If you are claustrophobic, then please ask your physician to prescribe anti-anxiety medications to take prior to the MRI study on the day of your examination. For your own safety if you have taken an anti-anxiety medication, then you will be required to have a designated driver to drive you home once the study is complete.

Cardiac MRI: No coffee (decaf or regular), caffeine, tea, or chocolate for 24 hours prior to the examination.

MRI Enterography: You must arrive in Radiology and be registered 1 hour prior to the examination so that oral contrast can be administered. No food or drink for 4 hours prior to the examination. You may have water only.

MRCP: No food or drink for 6 hours prior to the examination. You may have water only.

MRI Abdomen or MRI Pelvis (non-muckuloskeletal): No food or drink for 4 hours prior to the examination, if possible. This will aid the radiologist in distinguishing the anatomy of the area of interest during your examination.

MRI Breast: Please schedule your breast MRI within 7-10 days of your menstrual cycle. If the MRI breast order is urgent, then this preparation will not be enforced.

Whole Body Bone Scan: Allow 3-5 hours for this bone scan; it will take approximately 15 minutes to receive an injection of the radioactive tracer.  You will be given a return time as it will take 3-4 hours for the tracer to circulate.  There are no dietary restrictions, you may eat and drink during this time.   Imaging will be performed when you return.  The imaging will take approximately 1 hour. 

Nuclear Stress Test: This examination is typically a same day, 3-part procedure. Please allow 3-4 hours for this test. You should have nothing to eat or drink for 6 hours prior to the imaging study and no caffeine for 12 hours prior to the study. If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is calculated to be 40 or greater, the study is performed on 2 separate days, then you should allow for 2 hours on the first day and 1 hour on the second day for this examination. You should have nothing to eat or drink for 6 hours prior to the examination on both days and no caffeine for 12 hours prior to the first day of the study.

DXA - Bone Densitometry Study: Allow 30 minutes for this imaging study. There are no restrictions on food or drink.


Renal or Kidney Ultrasound: No prep for when you are just evaluating the kidneys.

Female Pelvis: GYN Only. Pregnant female will have ultrasound performed in an outside facility: Drink 32oz. glass of water. You must finish drinking all of the water 1 hour prior to arriving for your imaging study. DO NOT empty your bladder. NOTE: These imaging studies require a full urinary bladder in order to be able to obtain a successful imaging. If your bladder is not full at the time of your appointment, then your appointment may be postponed/rescheduled.

Male or Female bladder evaluation: Drink 24oz. glass of water. You must finish drinking all of the water 1 hour prior to arriving for your imaging study. DO NOT empty your bladder. NOTE: These imaging studies require a full urinary bladder in order to be able to obtain a successful imaging. If your bladder is not full at the time of your appointment, then your appointment may be postponed/rescheduled

Upper Abdomen, General Survey Ultrasound Study (Aorta, gall bladder, inferior vena cava, liver, pancreas, renal stenosis, retro-peritoneal, spleen): Nothing to eat or drink 5 hours prior to your US appointment. Medications maybe taken with small amounts of water. No candy, chewing gum or smoking before exam.

Renal Transplant, Thyroid, and Vascular Ultrasound Studies: No preparation is necessary

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   Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.

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United States

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Monday: 6:00 am-5:45 pm
Tuesday: 6:00 am-5:45 pm
Wednesday: 6:00 am-5:45 pm
Thursday: 6:00 am-5:45 pm
Friday: 6:00 am-5:45 pm
Saturday: 6:00 am-5:45 pm
Sunday: Closed
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