About our program
The program ensures that all veterans receive quality care, service, and benefits to which they are entitled. We believe that all Veterans should be treated with sensitivity, dignity, and respect.
We make certain any unique circumstances, special needs, and concerns of our Minority Veterans are respected and addressed. The program serves Minority Veterans who are:
- African Americans
- Asian Americans
- Hispanic Americans
- Native Americans
- American Indians
- Alaska natives
- Native Hawaiians
- Pacific Island Americans
- Women
- Sexual minorities
Get Involved
VA Puget Sound Health Care System has two committees that work to ensure that our overall goal is met. They are the Joint American Indian Veterans Advisory Council (JAIVAC) and the Minority Veterans Advisory Committee. These two groups are comprised of VA staff, veteran representatives, community and veteran service organization representatives. The Minority Veterans Program Coordinator chairs these committees. Contact the coordinator to learn more and get involved in these committees.
Minority Veterans Program Coordinator
The coordinator establishes and maintains a working relationship with minority Veteran organizations within the community to increase awareness of VA Puget Sound patient care services and be a resource to the community. The coordinator also develops a network relationship with state and private Veteran organizations to demonstrate and build a broader commitment to the needs of veterans not currently using our services by attending community forums, implementing veteran conference projects, participating in events and programs, and accessing Veteran outreach agencies.
The Minority Veteran Program Coordinator is available Monday through Friday (except Holidays), from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. PT at:
Seattle VA Medical Center: 206-764-2806
American Lake VA Medical Center: 253-583-1003