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Am I eligible for commissary and exchange privileges?
In the U.S., you may be eligible for commissary and exchange privileges if you meet one of the requirements listed below.
If you’re a Veteran or service member, one of these must be true. You:
- Have a service-connected disability rating and were honorably discharged, or
- Are retired from military service, or
- Are a former prisoner of war, or
- Are a member of the Reserves, or
- Have received a Purple Heart or the Medal of Honor
If you’re a family member, one of these must describe you. You’re the:
- Surviving spouse of a service member (if you haven’t remarried), or
- Primary family caregiver of an eligible Veteran (recognized under the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers), or
- Dependent or survivor of an eligible service member, or
- Dependent of an eligible member of the Reserves
Overseas commissary privileges vary from country to country.
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