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Can I get a loan through my VA life insurance policy?
Yes. You can borrow against the value of your policy. And you may be able to get a loan approved instantly online through the Online Policy Access website. If we don’t approve your instant loan request, you can still apply for a loan with an Application for Cash Surrender (VA Form 29-1546). Get VA Form 29-1546
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VA life insurance
- Support for VALife, S-DVI, and VMLI: 800-669-8477
- Support for WWI, WWII, and Korean War era programs: 800-669-8477
- Support for the VGLI program, SGLI claims, and FSGLI claims: 800-419-1473
- MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411
- If you have hearing loss, call TTY: 711.
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