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Can I request a repayment plan to repay my VA debt over time?


Yes. You can request a repayment plan to repay a VA debt in smaller amounts each month over a period of time. 

Ask to make payments in 1 of these 2 ways:

  • Monthly offsets. We’ll keep part or all of your VA benefit payments each month to pay down your debt.
  • Monthly payments. You’ll pay us directly each month. You can pay online, by phone, or by mail.

To request a plan, you'll need to submit these 2 items:

  • A Financial Status Report (VA Form 5655). If you request a plan that repays your full debt balance within 5 years, you don't need to submit this form at this time.
  • Your first month's payment, if you want to pay directly

You can also include a personal statement. You can tell us about why it's hard for you to repay the full debt balance now and how much you want to pay each month.

You may be able to request a plan for some types of VA debt online.
Request help with VA debt payments 

Note: This information doesn't apply to VA copay debt.

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