Title GI Bill and other VA education benefit payments FAQs Content Page introduction Get answers to questions you may have about your GI Bill payments. Alert Generate a table of contents from major headings No table of contents Calls to action View your VA payment history View your VA payment history Sign in to change VA direct deposit info Change your VA direct deposit information Q&A groups Header How education payments work Q&As When will I get my first GI Bill payment? What should I do if I didn’t get my GI Bill payment? Why is my monthly GI Bill payment less than my monthly rate? Header Advance payment Q&As Can I get a GI Bill payment in advance? How do I request an advance GI Bill payment? Repeat CTA buttons On VA Benefit Hubs Education and training Apply for and manage your GI Bill and other education benefits to help pay for college and training programs. Related Information How to change direct deposit information for VA benefits Get information about GI Bill overpayments and debts Need more help? Select contacts Benefit Hub contacts CONTACT INFORMATION VA education and training benefits GI Bill Hotline: 888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551) Students Outside the U.S.: +1-918-781-5678 VA benefits hotline: 800-827-1000 MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411 If you have hearing loss, call TTY: 711. Article categories Primary category Education and training Tags Topics Payments and debt Audience Beneficiaries Beneficiaries All Veterans Section Sitewide content team
Education and training Apply for and manage your GI Bill and other education benefits to help pay for college and training programs.
VA education and training benefits GI Bill Hotline: 888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551) Students Outside the U.S.: +1-918-781-5678 VA benefits hotline: 800-827-1000 MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411 If you have hearing loss, call TTY: 711.