
How to file a VA travel reimbursement claim online

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If you’re a Veteran or caregiver who’s eligible for general VA health care travel reimbursement, you can file your claims online. General reimbursement covers regular transportation, such as by car, plane, train, bus, taxi, or light rail.

Read this page to find out how to file a claim online through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). Then go to the AccessVA travel claim portal to file your claim.

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Set up direct deposit

If you haven’t already set up direct deposit to receive your reimbursement, you’ll need to do that now.

Get instructions for how to set up direct deposit for travel pay reimbursement


Sign in to the travel claim entry portal.

You can sign in with any of these accounts:

  • Login.gov
  • ID.me
  • DS Logon
  • My HealtheVet 
  • VA PIV

If you don’t have one of these accounts, you can create a Login.gov or ID.me account and then sign in. 


Go to your Beneficiary Travel profile.

Once you sign in, you’ll go to the portal welcome page.

Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions. Then select Proceed to Profile Review.

Note: If this doesn’t work, make sure you’ve checked the terms and conditions. Then wait a few seconds and try again.


Review your profile and go to your dashboard.

Save any needed updates to your personal, contact, or financial information.

When you’re finished, select Proceed to My Dashboard.

Note: Caregivers will first select Proceed to My Veteran List, then Select this Veteran to go to the dashboard of a specific Veteran.


Create a claim.

You can do this in either of these 2 ways:

  • Go to the “My Appointments” area. In the “Associated Appointments” column, select Create Claim for the appointment you’re claiming travel pay for.
  • Or go to the “My Claims” area. Select Create. Then select Create a Claim for the appointment you’re claiming travel pay for.

This will open the “Initiate a Claim” form. Confirm or update your address. Then select Create Claim and Add Expenses.

Get more details about this step in our YouTube videos:

Play our video on how to submit a travel reimbursement claim for a VA facility appointment (YouTube) 

Play our video on how to submit a travel reimbursement claim for a non-VA facility appointment (YouTube)


Add your expenses and receipts.

  • On the “Claim Expenses” page, make sure your appointment information and address is correct. 
  • If you have receipts or proof of attendance records for non-VA care appointments, select Add Attachments. You can add up to 5 attachments. 
  • Then choose an expense type. Follow the instructions to add information about each expense. 

Get more details about this step in our YouTube videos:

Play our video on how to submit a travel reimbursement claim for a VA facility appointment (YouTube) 

Play our video on how to submit a travel reimbursement claim for a non-VA facility appointment (YouTube)


Submit your claim.

Review the Beneficiary Travel Agreement Notice. Check the box to show your agreement.

Then select Submit Claim.

After you submit your claim, the system will redirect you back to your claims dashboard. You’ll find your claim listed in review status. You should receive your payment within 3 to 5 business days.

Need time to gather receipts or other information?

You can choose to save your claim and come back later to edit it. But you’ll still need to submit it within 30 days of your appointment.

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    VA health care

    • Health benefits hotline: 877-222-VETS (8387)
    • My HealtheVet help desk: 877-327-0022
    • eBenefits technical support: 800-983-0937
    • MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411
    • If you have hearing loss, call TTY: 711.
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