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I don’t have a smartphone. How do I verify my identity through ID.me?
You’ll need either a landline or mobile phone, and a computer with an internet connection.
At this time, we can’t support:
- Phones registered under a family member or spouse
- Virtual phone services like Skype or Google Voice
- International phone numbers
If you don’t have a phone that can receive text messages, during the set-up process:
- Choose “phone call” when asked how you’d like to receive your 6-digit code to set up your phone for 2-factor authentication.
- Choose “email” when asked how you’d like to receive the link to download the ID.me Wallet app to get started using ID.me.
If you don’t have a phone that can take photos, during the set-up process:
- Choose the “verify by answering questions” option when asked how you’d like to verify your identity, or
- Be sure you have a photo of either your driver’s license or passport on your computer, or that you can scan one in, so you can upload it to verify your identity using one of these forms of ID.
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