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If I can’t repay my full debt balance, even over time, what can I do?
You can request 1 of these 2 debt relief options:
- Compromise offer. This means you offer a lesser one-time lump sum amount as full payment of the debt. If we accept your request, you'll have to pay the one-time amount within 30 days.
- Waiver. This means you ask us to forgive (or “waive”) part or all of the debt. If we accept your request, you won't have to pay the amount waived.
Learn more about waivers
To request either of these options, you’ll need to send us these 2 items:
- A Financial Status Report (VA Form 5655)
- A personal statement that explains why you feel you shouldn't have to repay the debt. For a compromise offer, include how much you're offering to pay. Don't send payment with your offer. For a waiver, tell us if you want an oral hearing.
Need help with VA copays? Learn about financial hardship assistance
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