Title Non-compensable disability Content Page introduction If you receive a 0% disability rating for a service-connected condition, we call this a non-compensable disability. It means you can’t get disability compensation (payments) for this condition. But you may be eligible for other VA benefits. Find out what benefits you qualify for with a 0% disability rating and if you can file for an increased disability rating. Alert Generate a table of contents from major headings No table of contents Calls to action Check your VA disability rating /disability/view-disability-rating File for a VA disability increase /disability/how-to-file-claim Q&A groups Q&As What VA benefits am I eligible for if I have a 0% disability rating? Can I file for an increased disability rating? What if I have 2 or more non-compensable disabilities? Repeat CTA buttons Off VA Benefit Hubs Disability File a claim for disability compensation for conditions related to your military service, and manage your benefits over time. Related Information About VA health benefits VA benefits for service members Need more help? Select contacts Benefit Hub contacts CONTACT INFORMATION VA disability compensation VA benefits hotline: 800-827-1000 MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411 If you have hearing loss, call TTY: 711. Article categories Primary category Disability Tags Audience Beneficiaries Beneficiaries All Veterans Section Resources and support
Disability File a claim for disability compensation for conditions related to your military service, and manage your benefits over time.
VA disability compensation VA benefits hotline: 800-827-1000 MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411 If you have hearing loss, call TTY: 711.