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What are mitigating circumstances?
Mitigating circumstances are situations or events beyond your control that cause you to withdraw from (or “drop”) a class. We consider your reason for withdrawing from a class when we decide if you and your school need to pay us back the benefits already received.
Mitigating circumstances include:
- An illness or death in your immediate family
- An injury or illness you had while you were enrolled
- A change in your conditions of employment that you couldn’t avoid
- A job transfer to a new location while you were enrolled that you couldn’t avoid
- Immediate family or financial demands that you had no control over
- Active military service that you didn’t know about ahead of time
- A sudden end to (or cancellation of) the course you were taking
- A sudden end to child care coverage that you didn’t know about ahead of time
If we recognize that you had mitigating circumstances, we may decide that you can keep a portion of any benefits you received up to the day you stopped attending the class.
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