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What can I expect after I request a waiver?
If you requested an oral hearing, we’ll contact you to tell you the date, time, and location of the hearing. We'll hold the hearing before we make our decision on your waiver request.
We'll mail you a letter with our decision. You'll receive one of these 3 decisions:
- Full waiver. This means you won’t have to repay any of the debt.
- Partial waiver. This means you'll have to repay a part of the debt.
- Denial. This means you'll have to repay the full debt balance.
If we grant you a partial waiver or deny your request, we’ll tell you how to contact us to set up a payment plan. If you get VA benefit payments and don’t set up a different payment plan, we’ll keep all or some of your benefit payment each month to pay down the debt.
We'll also tell you about your right to appeal our decision.
Note: Want more information about student loan forgiveness for federal student loans? Go to the U.S. Department of Education student aid website
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