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What information do I need to fill out a Financial Status Report?
You'll need this information (for both you and your spouse if you’re married):
- Work history for the past 2 years. You'll need the employer name, start and end dates, and monthly income for each job.
- Income. This includes money you earn from a job, VA or Social Security benefits, or other sources. You’ll find the details you’ll need on a recent paycheck.
- Assets. These include cash, savings, stocks and bonds, real estate, cars, jewelry, and other items of value.
- Monthly living expenses. These include housing, food, and utilities (like gas, electricity, and water).
- Other living expenses. These include expenses like clothing, transportation, child care, or health care.
- Installment contracts or other debts. These include car loans, student loans, credit card debt, and other debts or purchase payment plans.
- Bankruptcy information. If you've ever declared bankruptcy, you'll need the date discharged, court location, and docket number.
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