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What information goes on the headstone or marker, and who provides it?
All headstones and markers must include:
- The person’s legal name
- The Veteran’s service branch
- The beginning and ending years of the person’s life
- The section and grave number (if in a state or national cemetery)
You can also choose to inscribe:
- The full beginning and ending dates of the person’s life
- The highest rank the Veteran attained
- The Veteran’s awards and war service
- An emblem of belief
We may approve other requests, such as:
- Nicknames
- Terms of endearment (like “Loving Father”)
- Special unit identification
The person’s next of kin, or an authorized representative (like a funeral home director) must provide this information to cemetery officials at a national cemetery, state Veterans cemetery, military post cemetery, or military base cemetery. These officials will order the headstone or marker for you.
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