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What is the personal statement or letter that goes with the report?
When you submit a Financial Status Report, we sometimes ask for a personal statement.
We ask you to tell us why you’re requesting a certain debt relief option. This helps us understand your situation so we can make the best decision on your request.
If you request one of these debt relief options, you’ll need to include a personal statement:
- For a compromise offer, explain why you're asking to pay less than the full amount of the debt. Tell us the one-time amount you're offering as full payment.
- For a waiver request, explain why you feel you shouldn’t have to repay the debt. Share more information that you haven’t already shared in writing and that isn't in your VA records. You can also request an oral hearing.
If you request help with debt online, we give you space to add your statement. If you request help by mail or in person, you’ll need to write a letter and include it with your report.
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