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What other VA benefits are survivors eligible for?
You may be eligible for these VA benefits as the surviving family member of a Veteran:
- Burial benefits and memorial items such as a gravesite in a VA national cemetery or a free headstone, marker, or medallion.
- A burial allowance to help with the Veteran’s burial and funeral costs. You may qualify if you’re the Veteran’s surviving spouse, partner, child, or parent.
- Education and training. You may qualify if you’re the survivor of a Veteran who died in the line of duty or as a result of service-connected disabilities.
- Health care through the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA). You may qualify if you’re the survivor or dependent of a Veteran with a service-connected disability.
- A VA-backed home loan. You may qualify if you’re the surviving spouse of a Veteran.
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