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What should I do if my records in an app are wrong or out-of-date?
This depends on the problem:
- If your health records are missing: It can take up to 36 hours for new health records to appear. This gives your health care provider time to discuss results with you before making them available online. If it’s been more than 3 days since your last appointment, or if you need your information sooner, contact your VA health care team.
- If your information isn’t accurate: Call our MyVA411 main information line at 800-698-2411 (TTY: 711). Or visit a VA health facility near you and ask a staff member for help.
Find a VA location near you - If you’re getting an “unreadable data” message: This means the connected app has access to your information, but doesn’t use it in its interface. It’s nothing to worry about. If you have questions about this, send feedback directly to the app.
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